Dung And Dumber (Ezekiel 3:22-4:17)

In 1970 MGM Records released a long playing album titled, The Best of Marcel Marceao. [1]

Let that sink in for a minute. If you are old enough to have watched 1960s & 1970s variety shows, like The Ed Sullivan Show, you are familiar with his performances.

The disc is nineteen minutes of silence and a minute of applause on each side.

Why the silence? Marcel Marceau is regarded to be the greatest ever… MIME.

Mime is the theatrical technique of suggesting action, character, or emotion without words, using gesture, expression, and movement. It is often incorporated with other forms of expression under the banner of Physical Theater. We mostly think of mimes as comical, but they can be serious. Mimes often perform routines with props.

Ezekiel ‘spoke’ for the LORD mostly without speaking while performing physical theater.

In the NT, the word for “mime” is also translated mimic or imitate. It is a point of contact with Ezekiel in this sense: The apostle Paul encouraged believers to, “Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ” (First Corinthians 11:1). Imitate… mimic… mime.

I’ll organize my comments around two questions: #1 Who Is Your Imitation Of Jesus Portraying? and #2 What Is Your Imitation Of Jesus Predicting?

#1 – Who Is Your Imitation Of Jesus Portraying? (3:22-24a)

I didn’t realize how many historical figures Dennis Quaid has portrayed on screen.

Astronaut Gordon Cooper… Entertainer Jerry Lee Lewis… Tombstone’s Doc Holliday… President Bill Clinton… NFL Coach Dick Vermeil… Syracuse University football Head Coach Ben Schwartzwalder… Admiral William Halsey… Pastor James Hill… Sam Houston…and baseball’s Jim Morris. He’s on the big screen right now as President Ronald Regan.

In his everyday life, he portrays Jesus. He confesses to having a personal relationship with the Lord. When I’ve seen or heard him, he uses his platform to point others to Jesus. It’s what Christians do.

We left Ezekiel exiled with his fellow Jews in a camp called Tel Abib in the country of Babylon. God had physically transported him there in what I like to call a ‘horizontal rapture.’ For seven days he sat among his fellow captives and said nothing. Awkward.

Ezk 3:22  Then the hand of the LORD was upon me there, and He said to me, “Arise, go out into the plain, and there I shall talk with you.”

The book opened with the LORD coming to Ezekiel in a whirlwind on His throne-chariot, carried by four Cherubim. Ezekiel saw God’s glory. He saw a physical manifestation of the LORD’s presence.

The LORD asks Ezekiel to meet Him out in the “plain” so He can “talk” to him.

Our omnipresent God asks believers to meet Him in certain physical locations. The two that immediately come to mind are your closet and your church.

✎︎ Jesus said, “But you, when you pray, go into your room [closet], and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly” (Matthew 6:6). It is a specific time and place where I spend time with Jesus.

✎︎ Jesus let us know that He is present in our services when He compared the church to a “lampstand.” The apostle John saw Jesus “among the lampstands.”

You can worship God anywhere. Nevertheless, He gives you physical addresses where He wants to meet & talk.

Ezekiel 3:23 So I arose and went out into the plain, and behold, the glory of the Lord stood there, like the glory which I saw by the River Chebar; and I fell on my face.

It was “like” his first vision… until it wasn’t. God wants to give us fresh vision. Normally when we talk about “vision” we mean a new project of ministry, with a tangible goal to reach at its end. That isnʼt vision.

Ezekiel was given his ministry, but his vision was of “the glory” of God.

We need a refreshed vision of the glory of God. Only then can we go forward and either continue our work with renewed zeal, or launch out into new Spirit-empowered ministries.

Ezekiel 3:24 Then the Spirit entered me and set me on my feet…

This is the second time God the Holy Spirit “entered” Ezekiel. What does that imply? He must have exited!

The permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit was not the normal experience of the OT saints. He would come upon them; He would fill them. He will enter them, permanently, in the future, at the end of the 7yr Time of Jacob’s Trouble, when “all Israel will be saved.”

Meanwhile the Church enjoys the permanent indwelling of God the Holy Spirit as a foretaste of the New Covenant.

Ezekiel was “set on [his] feet” in order to be sent to begin his ministry. This was his commencement ceremony.

We are used to needing lots of formal training in our careers and endeavors. That’s great – especially if you are my surgeon. That is not the way it works serving God. In the Book of Acts, Peter & John are dragged before the rulers. Two fishermen versus dozens (at least) of the nation’s most learned, most revered, spiritual leaders. After hearing Peter, we read, “Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marveled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus” (4:13 KJV).

They were looking at, and listening to, disciples, but they saw & they heard Jesus.

Truth be told, because of our emphasis on higher knowledge and academics, I think we would rather spend time studying, reading books and commentaries, then being with the Lord. At least it’s something we should guard against.

If you are saved, you are miming Jesus. In another metaphor, the apostle Paul described believers as “living letters,” “known and read by all men” (Second Corinthians 3:2).

What ‘version’ of Jesus are you portraying?

Red Letter Jesus… American Jesus… King James Only Jesus… 5-Point Jesus… Prosperity Jesus… Masculine Jesus… Liberal Jesus… Post-Modern Jesus. Don’t forget Westboro Baptist Jesus.

How do you portray Jesus, accurately, according to the Bible? We take our lead from the apostle John. “We beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). When God is glorified in an atmosphere of grace & truth – that’s My Jesus!

#2 – What Is Your Imitation Of Jesus Predicting? (3:24b-4:17)

Remember Agabus?

He is a NT prophet who liked to dramatically punctuate his verbal predictions. “Agabus came down from Judea. When he had come to us, he took Paul’s belt, bound his own hands and feet, and said, “Thus says the Holy Spirit, ‘So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man who owns this belt, and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles’ (Acts 21:10-11).

Ezekiel’s physical theater was a one-man, five act drama with daily performances. Wouldn’t it be cool to perform it? It would be easy to learn the dialog!

Act One

Ezk 3:24  Then the Spirit entered me and set me on my feet, and spoke with me and said to me: “Go, shut yourself inside your house.

Ezk 3:25  And you, O son of man, surely they will put ropes on you and bind you with them, so that you cannot go out among them.

Everyday Ezekiel’s family & friends “put ropes on [him] and [bound him] with them, so that [he could] not go out” of his house.

The exiled Israelites were captives in Babylon. They were be “bound,” as it were, in their own houses, under house arrest.

Ezk 3:26  I will make your tongue cling to the roof of your mouth, so that you shall be mute and not be one to rebuke them, for they are a rebellious house.

Ezk 3:27  But when I speak with you, I will open your mouth, and you shall say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD.’ He who hears, let him hear; and he who refuses, let him refuse; for they are a rebellious house.

Occasionally the Lord would allow Ezekiel to speak. It was always prophecy – only God’s Word, not his. It made for easy sermon prep.

Note the longsuffering of God, indicating His desire that some would “hear.”

Act Two

Ezk 4:1  “You also, son of man, take a clay tablet and lay it before you, and portray on it a city, Jerusalem.

Ezk 4:2  Lay siege against it, build a siege wall against it, and heap up a mound against it; set camps against it also, and place battering rams against it all around.

Ezk 4:3  Moreover take for yourself an iron plate, and set it as an iron wall between you and the city. Set your face against it, and it shall be besieged, and you shall lay siege against it. This will be a sign to the house of Israel.

Ezekiel was loosed. Your eyes would be drawn to a prop. A “clay tablet” could be used to draw on then  baked to make it durable.

Ezekiel drew Jerusalem. Ezekiel then “lay siege against it.” He constructed a siege ramp and mounds and camps and battering rams. The camps were probably complete with little Babylonian army men. Today he might have used Lego’s.

But surely Jerusalem would stand! Surely God would not let His glory depart! That is what the false prophets were proclaiming in Jerusalem (with the notable exception of Jeremiah).

The “iron plate” was a cook pan. In a moment he’s going to bake some bread. Hence he was the first – wait for it – Iron Chef.

The plate symbolized the strength of Babylon. There was no hope they could avoid his third invasion.

Act Three

In this section we see some stage direction.

Ezk 4:4  “Lie also on your left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it. According to the number of the days that you lie on it, you shall bear their iniquity.

Ezk 4:5  For I have laid on you the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days; so you shall bear the iniquity of the house of Israel.

Ezk 4:6  And when you have completed them, lie again on your right side; then you shall bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days. I have laid on you a day for each year.

The daily performances went on for 430 days.

Ezk 4:7  “Therefore you shall set your face toward the siege of Jerusalem; your arm shall be uncovered, and you shall prophesy against it.

Ezk 4:8  And surely I will restrain you so that you cannot turn from one side to another till you have ended the days of your siege.

Ezekiel would come out for Act Three and face the siege model. He would lie down on the appropriate side. He rolled-up his sleeve, the way Rich Mullins sang, When God rolls up his sleeves, He’s not just putting on the Ritz.

Whether his tongue was loosed and he was able to prophesy every day, or only occasionally, it kept the performance fresh for the audience in his yard.

Each day he lay on his side represented a year in the life of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and then the Southern Kingdom of Judah. As far as when each period began, what triggered each, we are nowhere told.

There are prophecies whose fulfillment is not completely understood. They will be when the time is right.

Ezk 4:9  “Also take for yourself wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet, and spelt; put them into one vessel, and make bread of them for yourself. During the number of days that you lie on your side, three hundred and ninety days, you shall eat it.

Ezk 4:10  And your food which you eat shall be by weight, twenty shekels a day; from time to time you shall eat it.

Ezk 4:11  You shall also drink water by measure, one-sixth of a hin; from time to time you shall drink.

A city besieged is a city starving. A time would come when the Jews in Jerusalem would have only 200g of bread and 16oz of water to be spread out over the course of each day. Ezekiel would lose a great deal of weight. It reminds me of actors who lost or gained weight for a role.

The bread, well, it wasn’t exactly healthy. These are not nutritious ingredients. This is a no-star recipe.

It ain’t lembas.

Ezk 4:12  And you shall eat it as barley cakes; and bake it using fuel of human waste in their sight.”

Ezk 4:13  Then the LORD said, “So shall the children of Israel eat their defiled bread among the Gentiles, where I will drive them.”

The next time you are tempted to grab that expensive loaf of Ezekiel bread, think of the context of chapter four. This is a siege recipe.

You’ll never be able to eat it again.

Ezk 4:14  So I said, “Ah, Lord GOD! Indeed I have never defiled myself from my youth till now; I have never eaten what died of itself or was torn by beasts, nor has abominable flesh ever come into my mouth.”

Ezk 4:15  Then He said to me, “See, I am giving you cow dung instead of human waste, and you shall prepare your bread over it.”

Ezekiel wanted to avoid the NC-17 rating. The LORD obliged.

You might recall the episode in the Book of Acts in which the Lord asks Peter to eat animals that were unclean and forbidden by the Law of Moses. In his case, the Lord was going to use him to bring the Gospel to “unclean” Gentiles. The defilement was the lesson.

In Ezekiel’s case, whether it was human or cow excrement wasn’t critical. Starvation was the point.

It’s always interesting to me when the Lord allows negotiation, and when he doesn’t. Moses, Hezekiah, Gideon, and most famously Abraham all entered into negotiations with God. Sometimes the LORD would relent. It wasn’t always with a positive result, however, as Hezekiah learned.

Think of verses sixteen & seventeen as a narrator’s summary. If you didn’t ‘get’ what Ezekiel was portraying – Jerusalem was going be besieged.

Ezk 4:16  Moreover He said to me, “Son of man, surely I will cut off the supply of bread in Jerusalem; they shall eat bread by weight and with anxiety, and shall drink water by measure and with dread,

Ezk 4:17  that they may lack bread and water, and be dismayed with one another, and waste away because of their iniquity.

They would “dread” running out of these scarce supplies. Why? Because what followed would be… cannibalism.

Marcel Marceau was a Polish Jew. He and his brother joined the French resistance during WWII. They saved Jewish children from the Nazis.

He said that the first time he ever mimed was in order to keep Jewish children quiet while he helped them escape to Switzerland.

Ezekiel predicted the plight of Jerusalem. As we continue, his prophecies will stretch to the Millennial Kingdom.

I don’t know about you, but thanks to Ezekiel and Isaiah and Daniel and their OT & NT prophet counterparts, I’m predicting what we see unfolding before our very eyes: Resurrection & Rapture… The Great Tribulation… the 2nd Coming… The Millennial Kingdom… Eternity.

People are increasingly interested in the future. You can predict it for them!

1 His last name, Marceau, was purposely misspelled, although no one knows why

The Fantastic Fore-head (Ezekiel 3:1-21)

I’ve always been a skeptic when it comes to the head-butt as a fighting technique.

Seems it would hurt me as much as it would my opponent.

Turns out that’s not true – not if you perform the head-butt properly. Michael Rayburn, in a column for Police Magazine, wrote, “One only need look back at soccer’s World Cup series of 2006 and the devastating head butt delivered by French player Zinedine Zidane to Italy’s Marco Materazzi to realize how effective this tactic really is.” He head-butted him in the chest and Materazzi went down hard.[1] He might still be down!

Don’t rock back and broadcast your head butt. Instead, compress and launch. Use the crown of your head and go for the bridge of the nose.

Hands down the best ever head-butter has got to be the prophet Ezekiel.

He was given a divine advantage. The LORD said to him, “Behold, I have made your face strong against their faces, and your forehead strong against their foreheads. Like adamant stone, harder than flint, I have made your forehead…” (3:8-9).

Ezekiel would butt heads with Israelites who were “impudent [brazen] and hard-hearted” (v7). They would “not listen to [Ezekiel], because they [would] not listen to [the LORD]” (v7).

Are the majority today listening to the Lord? They’re not listening to us, either. Brazen & hard-hearted would be an understatement.

We need to be more hard-headed…Hard-headed overcomes hard-hearted

I’ll organize my comments around two points:

#1 You Are A Hard-Headed Watchman

Who Hears & Receives God’s Word

#2 You Are A Hard-Headed Watchman

Who Hears & Repeats God’s Word


#1 You Are A Hard-Headed Watchman

Who Hears & Receives God’s Word


Before there was Logan, there was Perseus.

He was tasked with killing Medusa. One of the divine gifts he was given to kill her was an adamantine sword. It was made from a substance known as adamant. In modern comics, it’s the stuff that they added to Logan to make him Wolverine. Only they call it adamantium. I guess that makes Ezekiel the first X-Man. He was spiritually infused with adamant to perform his prophetic tasks.

Ezk 3:1  Moreover He said to me, “Son of man, eat what you find; eat this scroll, and go, speak to the house of Israel.”

Ezk 3:2  So I opened my mouth, and He caused me to eat that scroll.

Ezk 3:3  And He said to me, “Son of man, feed your belly, and fill your stomach with this scroll that I give you.” So I ate, and it was in my mouth like honey in sweetness.

Three of Godʼs prophets were commanded to eat Godʼs Word – Jeremiah, John, & Ezekiel. I am definitely in the minority, but I like to think they really ate the scrolls. If that’s a little too literal, I can live with it being a metaphor for our being fortified in the inner man by God’s Word.

H.A. Ironside is a Bible commentator you want to read. He has an interesting take on this. He says the phrasing indicates that Ezekiel took in the portion but didnʼt swallow at first. Ezekiel chewed on it.

There is value in reading large portions of Scripture, and in reading through the entire Bible in a period of time. Do not neglect waiting on the Lord over a shorter passage for Him to reveal its treasures to you. Read it over & over… Pray before, during, and after… Jot down notes… Consult a Bible reference book, like a Bible dictionary, for things you need defined.  Only then reach for a commentary.[2]

Ezk 3:4  Then He said to me: “Son of man, go to the house of Israel and speak with My words to them.

Ezk 3:5  For you are not sent to a people of unfamiliar speech and of hard language, but to the house of Israel,

Ezk 3:6  not to many people of unfamiliar speech and of hard language, whose words you cannot understand. Surely, had I sent you to them, they would have listened to you.

Ezk 3:7  But the house of Israel will not listen to you, because they will not listen to Me; for all the house of Israel are impudent and hard-hearted.

Ezekiel is in exile, having been forcibly removed from Judah during the second siege by the invading Babylonians. The LORD has come to him in a whirlwind on His throne-chariot, borne by four mighty Cherubim. He is being ‘called’ – drafted – for his ministry among the captives.

How many times does the LORD say “the house of Israel?” Four. The title refers to the unified nation composed of the 12 tribes. After King Solomon died, the nation of Israel split in two. The Northern Kingdom was called Israel, and the Southern Kingdom was called Judah. The Northern Kingdom was conquered and its tribes dispersed about 200 years before Ezekiel prophesied to Judah.

In his conspicuous usage of “house of Israel,” Ezekiel is putting us on notice that there are no lost tribes. The LORD would regather all Jews from every tribe back home.

He did it, by the way; or at least it has begun.

Ezekiel would have a language barrier among his own people. We see this in our families & places of business. Go on a mission trip, and even with the language barrier you have greater success than you do at Thanksgiving.

Why send Ezekiel when the LORD could foresee their continued hardness? The LORD was playing the long game. Subsequent generations would see Him striving with their ancestors, out of love. His love manifests in giving us His light in order that we might receive His life.

Ezk 3:8  Behold, I have made your face strong against their faces, and your forehead strong against their foreheads.

Ezk 3:9  Like adamant stone, harder than flint, I have made your forehead; do not be afraid of them, nor be dismayed at their looks, though they are a rebellious house.”

This reads like a superhero origins story. What do we want to call him? Ironhead… Skull Crusher… Steel Brow… Head Strong?

Ezk 3:10  Moreover He said to me: “Son of man, receive into your heart all My words that I speak to you, and hear with your ears.

Ezk 3:11  And go, get to the captives, to the children of your people, and speak to them and tell them, ‘Thus says the Lord GOD,’ whether they hear, or whether they refuse.”

It’s time we zero-in on what we mean by hardheaded. It involves hearing, receiving, and speaking.

“Hear with your ears” sounds a lot like “he who has an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says.”  We sometimes describe people as having an ‘ear’ for music. Having “an ear for something” suggests a heightened auditory perception or sensitivity.

There are over 120 million radio receivers in cars now. It’s a clunky illustration, but God the Holy Spirit indwelling you is a receiver for God’s Word, transmitting it to our hearts.

“Speaking” includes more than words. It is words and actions that reveal our affections and worldview.  Your worldview is the intellectual, emotional, and spiritual filter you use to experience, interpret, and respond to reality. Possessing a Biblical worldview implies that your ideas about all aspects of life and eternity derive from Scriptural principles and commands.

Hardheaded believers are tuned-in to God’s Word by the indwelling Holy Spirit. It sets the dial to a Christian worldview that doesn’t back-down from secular criticism. We have an answer for every man. We are in that way hard-heads… But tenderhearted.

Ezk 3:12  Then the Spirit lifted me up, and I heard behind me a great thunderous voice: “Blessed is the glory of the LORD from His place!”

Ezk 3:13  I also heard the noise of the wings of the living creatures that touched one another, and the noise of the wheels beside them, and a great thunderous noise.

The ISV and other translations read, “Then the Spirit lifted me up and I heard a great earthquake behind me and the glory of the LORD arose from his place.” The LORD’s chariot is take-your-muffler-off loud.

Ezk 3:14  So the Spirit lifted me up and took me away, and I went in bitterness, in the heat of my spirit; but the hand of the LORD was strong upon me.

Ezekiel experiences a horizontal ‘rapture’ from one place to another. This was apparently quite common in the Old Testament among prophets. There are several passages that nonchalantly mention Elijah was a frequent flyer.

In the NT, Philip baptizes the Ethiopian official, and “the Spirit of the Lord caught Philip away… [and] Philip was found at Azotus” (Acts 8:39-40).

The Word of the LORD can be described as “bitter” in that it reveals many hard truths about life, death, and life after death.

John Gill commented, “In the heat of my spirit [means] ‘in the indignation of my spirit;’ his spirit was hot and angry, he was froward and unwilling to go on the errand, to prophesy sad and dismal things to his people.”

Ezk 3:15  Then I came to the captives at Tel Abib, who dwelt by the River Chebar; and I sat where they sat, and remained there astonished among them seven days.

He wasn’t commiserating with them in their distress. “Appalled” is a better word than “astonished.” As we progress we will see the prideful, unrepentant attitude of the exiles.

I want to be described as a believer who ‘has an ear’ for God the Holy Spirit. I began in the Spirit; I want to continue with Him.

Don’t start Google-ing for “how to have an ear to hear.” You’ll discover thousands of websites & blogs, each with their own 3 or 5 or 10 steps.

We recommend immersion.

‘Immersion’ in language learning is a method where you learn a language by being surrounded by it in everyday situations, using it constantly to speak, listen, read, and write. You might move in with a family that speaks only the language you want to learn. You might even move to another country.

I don’t know what immersion in the Holy Spirit looks like for you. It will involve these four things: Prayer… Bible study… Fellowship in a local Church… Telling others about Jesus.[3]

Immerse yourself in those things and over the course of your time on Earth, and you will develop your “ear to what the Spirit says.”


#2 You Are A Hard-Headed Watchman

Who Hears & Repeats God’s Word


Nothing mysterious about a “watchman.” He attentively looks out from his tower and sees to the safety of the people.

Ezk 3:16  Now it came to pass at the end of seven days that the word of the LORD came to me, saying,

Ezk 3:17  “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me:

Ezekiel showed-up suddenly. He uttered not a word for a full week. It’s an appropriate prequel to his often odd ministry.

Ezk 3:18  When I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand.

Ezk 3:19  Yet, if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul.

Ezk 3:20  “Again, when a righteous man turns from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die; because you did not give him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require at your hand.

Ezk 3:21  Nevertheless if you warn the righteous man that the righteous should not sin, and he does not sin, he shall surely live because he took warning; also you will have delivered your soul.”

Among the exiles were wicked & righteous individuals. We would say, unbelievers & believers:

  1. The unbelievers go on in their sin despite God warning them.
  2. The believers are tried and proven through trials, here called “stumbling blocks,” to exhibit their love for the LORD. (Think Job).

Upon first reading, there seems to be an urgency for Ezekiel to act as their watchman.

Urgency is not one of the lessons here.

  1. First, we would note that Ezekiel said absolutely nothing for seven days.
  2. Second, we are going to see that for the next two years his ministry will take place at his home. He only ministers to people who come to him.

While taking nothing away from the urgency of sharing God’s Word, we don’t need to be whipped up into a frenzy by something God is not telling Ezekiel to do.

Chuck Missler’s take on this – Ezekiel needs to be faithful to his calling. If that sounds watered-down, faithfulness is much harder than you think.

We are understandably concerned about the LORD telling Ezekiel if he fails in sharing God’s Word that “his blood I will require at your hand.”

There is a legal principle here that we don’t recognize, but a Jew would.

The Law of God deals with “blood-guiltiness.”

Blood-guilt is the accountability one bears for causing the death of another person, whether directly (murder) or indirectly (manslaughter). The one who sheds blood is held responsible and is considered guilty before God and the community.

Capital punishment was required for intentional murder. Fleeing to a city of refuge offered a merciful solution for manslaughter. A trial would be held, and if the death was ruled accidental, the perpetrator was not executed, but remained in exile in a city of refuge until the current High Priest died.

Ezekiel had not begun his ministry. This is still part of his calling. The LORD, therefore, was telling Ezekiel that his ministry of sharing the Word was a matter of life & death. He would be stained with blood-guiltiness should he refuse or later reject his calling.

Remember from verse fourteen that, “his spirit was hot and angry, he was froward and unwilling to go on the errand, to prophesy sad and dismal things to his people.” The LORD wasn’t giving Ezekiel a choice to volunteer. If Ezekiel refused, he would be considered a murderer or a man-slayer.

God can bring the hammer down on His prophets when He calls upon them. Think Jonah!

Our calling & commission is the Great Commission:

“All authority has been given to Me in Heaven and on Earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:18-20).

It is a serious calling. The apostle Paul remarked, “Woe is me if I do not preach the Gospel! … I have been entrusted with a stewardship” (First Corinthians 9:16 & 18).

What does the Bible say is required of stewards? To be faithful. You and I are to be faithful in our own callings.

Get this through your head: Be faithful in your calling.

1 https://youtu.be/vF4iWIE77Ts?si=kzvY7EWFv5fPT5B4
2 Try it this week. Let’s all take this deep dive into Revelation 3:7-13, Jesus’ letter to the church in Philadelphia.
3 Acts 2:42

Ezekiel 1:25-2:10 – Rebels, Rebels, Your Nation’s A Mess

Kevin was understandably devastated.

Cowboy Dan wasn’t coming to his birthday party after all. It was a pre-teen social embarrassment he would likely never recover from. “All the kids are gonna hate me,” he whined. “It’s gonna be just like little league.”

Cowboy Dan didn’t come… But Cowboy Gil did! AKA Steve Martin, he put on a hilarious performance in Parenthood.

Ezekiel got a surprise visit on his 30th birthday!

The LORD came to him on His throne-chariot, in a whirlwind, borne by four magnificent Cherubim.

The LORD brought Ezekiel a gift.

“Then the Spirit entered me when He spoke to me…” (2:2).

If you are in-Christ, God the Holy Spirit entered you the moment you were born-again. We call it His indwelling – His permanent indwelling.

I’ll organize my comments around two points: #1 You  Were Given The Gift of God The Holy Spirit On Your Born-Again Day, and #2 You Were Promised The Gifting(s) Of God The Holy Spirit On Your Born-again Day.

#1 – You  Were Given The Gift of God The Holy Spirit On Your Born-Again Day (1:25-28; 2:1-2)

Think for a moment: What is the best birthday gift you’ve ever received? It pales in comparison to God’s gift to you.

The Holy Spirit is called “the gift of God in several places.”[1] He is given to you, He enters you, when you believe on the Lord, Jesus Christ. And we say, based on biblical texts, His entering you is permanent.

On his 30th birthday, on the very day, the LORD surprised Ezekiel in a whirlwind, borne along on His cherried-out Cherubim chariot.

Ezk 1:25  A voice came from above the firmament that was over their heads; whenever they stood, they let down their wings.

Ezk 1:26  And above the firmament over their heads was the likeness of a throne, in appearance like a sapphire stone…

What Ezekiel saw and experienced was the real. The thrones on Earth are the representations of the real that exists in the unseen, spiritual realm. When priests perform their tasks in the earthly Tabernacle & Temple, they “serve the copy and shadow of the heavenly things” (Hebrews 8:5).

If I told you I was looking at a custom car, and I said it had ‘sick flames on the hood’ would you speculate that it was a metaphor for the temporary nature of material things? “Don’t collect cars ‘cause they are only going to burn!” I guess you might if you’d never seen flames painted on a car. Chances are, however, you’d know exactly what I saw.

Ezk 1:26  And above the firmament over their heads was the likeness of a throne, in appearance like a sapphire stone; on the likeness of the throne was a likeness with the appearance of a man high above it.

In the OT, when God is represented as a “man,” we say it is a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus Christ. Angels appear to mankind, too. It can be a little confusing because Jesus is sometimes called the Angel of the Lord. When the Person allows or commands worship, you can be certain it is Jesus.

Ezk 1:27  Also from the appearance of His waist and upward I saw, as it were, the color of amber with the appearance of fire all around within it; and from the appearance of His waist and downward I saw, as it were, the appearance of fire with brightness all around.

The presence of God is luminous, radiant. So much so that, in the future city, the New Jerusalem, “the city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it.”

I learned this week that, in the NT, there are only three nouns that are used to describe God: love, life & light.[2] Everything else is an adjective or an office. Any discussion of God must be subordinate to the understanding that God is love, God is life, God is light.

Ezk 1:28  Like the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so was the appearance of the brightness all around it. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. So when I saw it, I fell on my face, and I heard a voice of One speaking.

The rainbow is the sign of God’s promise never to order-up a global flood. In His wrath against sin, God remembers mercy. The same will be true in the future Time of Jacob’s Trouble. Though not directly mentioned here, the 7yrs of tribulation are suggested by the rainbow because the apostle John saw the LORD on His Throne in the Revelation, with a rainbow, just prior to judgment.

Ezekiel “fell on his face.” I was asked recently if the Pentecostal practice of being slain in the Spirit could ever be genuine. Proponents point to people in the Bible who “fell down” before God. Many individuals in the Bible experienced a powerful, overwhelming encounter with God or His angels that caused them to fall or bow down: Abraham, Moses & Aaron, Joshua, Daniel, Balaam, Manoah & Mrs. Manoah, the apostle John, the apostle Paul, and Peter, James & John at the Mount of Transfiguration.

Unless I am mistaken… These ALL “fell on their face” before God. They did not fall backward when someone touched their forehead, and their fall wasn’t broken by the ushers.

The example I found of falling backward is the mob that came to arrest Jesus. He identified Himself as “I AM,” and they fell backwards. No ushers!

Ezk 2:1  And He said to me, “Son of man, stand on your feet, and I will speak to you.”

Ezk 2:2  Then the Spirit entered me when He spoke to me, and set me on my feet; and I heard Him who spoke to me.

God the Holy Spirit did not indwell Ezekiel until this moment. In the Old Testament, there is no specific promise to believers that the Spirit of God would continually dwell in them. If God the Holy Spirit indwelt all OT believers, we wouldn’t need to be told that he entered Ezekiel. And we wouldn’t have any examples of His leaving a person; but we do.

Only after Jesus’ death and resurrection could the Holy Spirit be given permanently.

In fact, the permanent indwelling of God the Holy Spirit is part of the New Covenant. The nation of Israel rejected Jesus in His first coming. The nation is under discipline. Israel is not enjoying the New Covenant. We are!

The Church has not replaced Israel, but the spiritual blessings of the New Covenant made with Israel have been extended to the Church.  All believers today have the “law of God written on their hearts,” and all believers know the Lord’s presence in their lives.

#2 – You Were Promised Gifting(s) Of God The Holy Spirit On Your Born-Again Day (2:3-10)

The nation of Judah was made up of rebels without remorse.

“Rebellious,” or “rebelled” appear 7x in these few verses. The LORD also describes them as “transgressed,” “impudent,” and “stubborn.”

Despite their rejection of Him, God would not abandon them.

Ezk 2:3  And He said to me: “Son of man, I am sending you to the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation that has rebelled against Me; they and their fathers have transgressed against Me to this very day.

“Son of Adam” is the literal translation. In the plural it was a synonym for mankind. Daniel would elevate the title to refer to the Jewish Messiah. Jesus used it of Himself some 80x. He was the son of Adam who was the Messiah.

  • When the LORD called Jeremiah, he tried to beg off, saying he was too young.
  • Isaiah found himself in Heaven and volunteered.
  • Ezekiel needed no time to think or react. He hit the ground running.

Each of us is unique. We are going to practice being Christians differently. It is OK as long as we agree upon the essential doctrines. It’s more than OK; it’s healthy.

Ezk 2:4  For they are impudent and stubborn children. I am sending you to them, and you shall say to them, “Thus says the Lord GOD.”

Ezekiel was “sent,” but not far away. He stayed put and ministered within the captive community.

The prophets of the Bible mostly shared unpopular messages. They were messages of hope, of truth, of eternity. But in order to unlock those things there needed to be repentance.

Our message is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is glorious. But it is mostly unpopular when it is properly preached because it involves, you guessed it, a call for repentance.

“Thus says the Lord God.” A prophet was always under a death sentence. It was a capital crime to speak falsely for God.

Ezk 2:5  As for them, whether they hear or whether they refuse – for they are a rebellious house – yet they will know that a prophet has been among them.

Every person who hears God’s Word has a personal responsibility to accept Him or to reject Him. God the Holy Spirit accompanies the Word in such a way that the sinners heart is able to respond.

I’m sorry, but if mankind does not have free will, God has already determined who will hear and who will refuse. Cornelius Van Til writes, “The moment a Christian theologian admits that anything happens in the whole course of history, whether by devil, or man, or power of nature, without the will of God, that moment the foundations of a Christian theology are shaken.” I might want to believe that… But then I remember God is love, life, and light. He therefore cannot be the cause of evil.

Those who do not have the written Word, never heard the name of Jesus, they have the witness of creation around them, and conscience within them. They are responsible to act upon what they know, not what they don’t know.

Ezk 2:6  “And you, son of man, do not be afraid of them nor be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns are with you and you dwell among scorpions; do not be afraid of their words or dismayed by their looks, though they are a rebellious house.

Ezekiel’s ministry would take place in an urban setting. But the spiritual landscape would seem like a desert.

Are you familiar with the phrase mad-dogging? It’s that intense stare that someone full of rage has. Boxers & MMA fighters exhibit it at their weigh-ins.  Ezekiel could expect to be mad dogged!

Ezk 2:7  You shall speak My words to them, whether they hear or whether they refuse, for they are rebellious.

For the third time, the Lord emphasizes personal responsibility. He was also encouraging Ezekiel that the success of his ministry would be measured in faithfulness, not by numbers.

Ezk 2:8  But you, son of man, hear what I say to you. Do not be rebellious like that rebellious house…

Our lives and our ministries need constant evaluation. We often point out that of the seven letters to the seven churches in the book of the revelation only one of them is without correction or reproof. It’s the one to the church that is suffering intense persecution.

  • We do not want to be rebellious like the churches in Ephesus, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, & Laodicea.
  • We do not want to be rebellious like the church in Corinth.

Ezk 2:8  But you, son of man… open your mouth and eat what I give you.”

The Word of God isn’t for others until it’s become part of you. Ezekiel must ‘digest’ God’s Word.

Do you think he ate it? Absolutely. It is going to be the least weird thing that Ezekiel does as he dramatizes God’s Word.

Ezk 2:9  Now when I looked, there was a hand stretched out to me; and behold, a scroll of a book was in it.

Ezk 2:10  Then He spread it before me; and there was writing on the inside and on the outside, and written on it were lamentations and mourning and woe.

The majority of prophetic messages were delivered during times of disobedience, decline, or impending judgment. Makes sense because God truly loves His special nation. He would always go after them, never abandon them, and be faithful to discipline them.


Mary Poppins’ travels with a carpet bag from which she can pull out a seemingly endless number of objects, no matter the size or quantity, that are just right for her need.

God the Holy Spirit is an ocean of resources. I’ll mention a few of His more well-known giftings:

He is involved in your regeneration (your new birth).

He is involved in your baptism into the body of Jesus, in your being sealed, in your being adopted, in your being filled.

The spiritual fruit in your life is the Fruit of the Holy Spirit.

He is your teacher, guide, and comforter. He intercedes for you. ‘

He is the down payment guaranteeing God’s promises.

God the Holy Spirit gives  you the assurance of salvation.

Jesus in His first coming is described as “being in the form of God, [He] did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross” (Philippians 2:6-8).

Jesus was fully God and fully man. In His first coming, He set aside the independent use of deity. He lived as a man who was indwelt by the Holy Spirit. He didn’t sometimes take back His deity to answer a question, or to perform a healing. He lived as a Spirit-indwelt human.

A commentator paraphrased Jesus: “The Spirit I’m going to send to you… You’ve seen Him in Me. You’ve seen Him dwelling in My life these past three years. He has been with you in Me. And it’s that very same Spirit who has been with you in Me, on My life, indwelling Me these years, that is the Holy Spirit I’m going to ask the Father to send to you.”

With that in mind, listen to these words of the apostle Paul: “It stands to reason, doesn’t it, that if the alive-and-present God who raised Jesus from the dead moves into your life, He’ll do the same thing in you that he did in Jesus, bringing you alive to Himself? When God lives and breathes in you (and He does, as surely as He did in Jesus), you are delivered from that dead life. With his Spirit living in you, your body will be as alive as Christ’s! (Romans 8:11 MSG).

In the classic SyFy series, Quantum Leap, Sam has ‘jumped’ into the body of a woman who is being abducted. Al, who appears only to him as a hologram, reminds Sam he has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. With that realization, Sam subdues the attackers.

If you are a believer, God, the Holy Spirit permanently entered you. You need to be reminded. Otherwise your flesh will reassert itself and you find yourself walking in that energy rather than by the dynamic power & enabling of God.

1 Acts 2:38; 8:20; 10:45; First Timothy 4:14; Second Timothy 1:6; Hebrews 6:4.
2 So says Ben Witherington

Creature Features (Ezekiel 1:4-24)

The Batmobile is just the most well-known.

There are additionally the Bat-Cycle, the Batwing, the Bat-Boat, the Bat-Sub, the Bat-Ski, the Bat-Glider, the Bat-Truck, the Bat-Shuttle, the Bat-Trike, the Bat-Copter, and the Bat-Train.

There may be cooler comic rides, but the Batman has the deepest inventory.

The LORD has a sweet ride!

  • Its “wheels” are mentioned 10x.
  • Its “rims” are mentioned 2x.

It is conveyed by four supernatural chauffeurs called “living creatures.” Further on in the book, Ezekiel says, “I knew they were Cherubim” (10:20).

He knew because the Cherubim were associated with the presence of God in the Holy of Holies in the Temple in Jerusalem. There were carved images of them, out of gold and olive wood; as well as images embroidered on curtains; and carvings.

The nation of Judah was a vassal of Babylon. No worries, thought the Jews. God’s presence was in Solomon’s Temple. Certainly God would not allow Babylon to prevail.

They were wrong to trust in the Temple; God allowed it to be leveled.

Before the Temple was destroyed, God would remove His presence from the Temple. Ezekiel was relocated in a refugee camp in a Babylonian city called Tel Abib, by the River Kebar. He would be God’s prophet to break the awful news to the captives in Babylon that God had left the building!

Aren’t you glad that can’t happen today? Not so fast! Jesus wrote a letter to the church in Ephesus warning them that He was about to “remove [their] lampstand from its place – unless [they] repent” (Revelation 2:5).

I’ll organize my comments around the two subjects we encounter: #1 @therealCherubim, and #2 @therealChariot.

#1 – @therealCherubim (v4-14)

Angels… or Aliens?

UFOlogists claim that Ezekiel was an ignorant man using primitive language to describe his encounters with extraterrestrial visitors, “Ancient Astronauts.”

  • Ezekiel was no ignorant man. He was God’s prophet.
  • His language is far from being primitive; it is marvelous.

Besides, we referenced earlier that he said he knew that were Cherubim – not Chewbacca.

We choose aliens over angels because mankind does not like to retain God in our knowledge. Weʼd rather believe some fantastic tale than the truth that we were created by, and then visited by, the loving and merciful and forgiving God of the Bible. We can fight ET, and win, on account of our indomitable human, Captain Kirk-like, spirit, that proclaims, “Never say die, never surrender.” If there really is a God then we need to face the fact we are sinners in need of His saving and our submission.

Ezk 1:4  Then I looked, and behold, a whirlwind was coming out of the north, a great cloud with raging fire engulfing itself; and brightness was all around it and radiating out of its midst like the color of amber, out of the midst of the fire.

Whirlwind Ezekiel, magnitude off the charts, was bearing down on the man who would never be priest. The storm was supernatural, in the unseen realm. It was geo-political, involving God’s plan for the ages, for Israel and the nations.

Ezk 1:5  Also from within it came the likeness of four living creatures. And this was their appearance: they had the likeness of a man.

Ezk 1:6  Each one had four faces, and each one had four wings.

Ezk 1:7  Their legs were straight, and the soles of their feet were like the soles of calves’ feet. They sparkled like the color of burnished bronze.

Ezk 1:8  The hands of a man were under their wings on their four sides; and each of the four had faces and wings.

When we encounter visions like this in the Bible, we immediately look for symbolism. Let me give you an example. In verse eighteen we are told that these living creatures “were full of eyes.”

  • One commentator said, “The number of eyes, wherever they may be, speaks of multi-dimensional awareness. Our two eyes help us to perceive a three-dimensional reality. A multitude of eyes suggests a greater awareness than we know as human.”
  • Another commentator explains the eyes, “We can hide nothing from God. He sees and knows everything.”

Symbolism is subjective. So what does Ezekiel mean? He means that they were full of eyes!

Another rather distinguishing physical trait is in verse seven. “Their legs were straight.” They don’t have knees!

Ezk 1:9  Their wings touched one another. The creatures did not turn when they went, but each one went straight forward.

Cherubim appear in a few other settings, associated with the presence of God, and especially His visible presence in the Tabernacle and the Temple.

In the Wilderness Tabernacle…

  • Cherubim were woven into the the curtains of the Tabernacle (Exodus 26:1)
  • Two golden figures of the Cherubim stretched their wings over the Mercy Seat on the Ark of the Covenant (Exodus 25:18-21).
  • God said to Moses, “There I will meet with you, and from above the Mercy Seat, from between the two cherubim that are on the Ark of the [Covenant], I will speak with you about all that I will give you in commandment for the people of Israel” (Exodus 25:22). In essence, it was God’s throne on Earth.

In Solomon’sTemple…

  • There were four Cherubim in the Temple – the two gold ones on the Mercy Seat and two larger ones, carved out of olive wood, overshadowing the entire Ark (First Kings 6:23-28).
  • The doors leading to the Holy Place were decorated with carvings of Cherubim (First Kings 6.31-32).

Notice the phrase, “their wings touched one another.” The Cherubim in the Temple were carved that way. Ezekiel saw the @therealCherubim which those in the Temple represented.

That place was where the presence of God visibly dwelt among His people.

This divine presence of God is called“Shekinah,” the “Shekinah glory,”  the “glory of the LORD,” “the cloud,” and “the fire.”

The Shekinah makes many appearances in the Hebrew Scriptures. In the Exodus from Egypt, for instance, the pillar of fire by day and the cloud by night were Shekinah.

When Solomon’s Temple was being dedicated, we read, “When Solomon had finished praying, fire came down from Heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of the LORD filled the Temple. And the priests could not enter the house of the LORD, because the glory of the LORD had filled the LORD’s house. When all the children of Israel saw how the fire came down, and the glory of the LORD on the Temple, they bowed their faces to the ground on the pavement, and worshiped and praised the LORD, saying: “For He is good, For His mercy endures forever”(Second Chronicles 7:1-3).

God wants His creatures to dwell with Him. It’s not an easy thing to accomplish, because we are depraved sinners and He is infinitely holy.

God is up to the task. The last four English words of this book declare the future time when, “The LORD is there!”

As we journey through Ezekiel and the temples, we will see the LORD was there, then He wasn’t there, then He will be there.

Ezk 1:10  As for the likeness of their faces, each had the face of a man; each of the four had the face of a lion on the right side, each of the four had the face of an ox on the left side, and each of the four had the face of an eagle.

They were like the Mayor of Halloween Town in Nightmare Before Christmas.

Weird as this was, a Jew would instantly ‘recognize’ these four faces. They are lifted from Jewish history.

In the Book of Numbers God told the nation of Israel how they were to set up camp around the Tabernacle in the wilderness and where to put their tribal ensigns. Each of the four sides were to be encamped by three of the tribes:

  1. The tribes of Judah, Issachar and Zebulon were to camp on the east and were collectively called the camp of Judah. The symbol on the ensign of Judah was a lion.
  2. The tribes of Ephraim, Manasseh, and Benjamin were to camp on the west side and were collectively called the camp of Ephraim. The symbol on the ensign of Ephraim was an ox.
  3. The tribes of Reuben, Simeon, and Gad were to camp on the south side and were collectively called the camp of Reuben. The symbol on the ensign of Reuben was a man.
  4. The tribes of Dan, Naphtali, and Asher were to camp on the north side and were collectively called the camp of Dan. The symbol on the ensign of Dan was an eagle.

Israel camped about the Tabernacle as an earthly representation of the Cherubim surrounding Godʼs throne in Heaven.[1]

Ezk 1:11  Thus were their faces. Their wings stretched upward; two wings of each one touched one another, and two covered their bodies.

In addition to Ezekiel’s description, Isaiah, Daniel, and the apostle John describe them from their own experiences. There are slight differences in each, but that is to be expected. No contradictions, just different emphases that can be reconciled.

Ezk 1:12  And each one went straight forward; they went wherever the spirit [mentioned 4 more times in the next set of verses] wanted to go, and they did not turn when they went.

Ezk 1:13  As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, like the appearance of torches going back and forth among the living creatures. The fire was bright, and out of the fire went lightning.

Ezk 1:14  And the living creatures ran back and forth, in appearance like a flash of lightning.

If, as a Christian, you have liberty to use AI, read this description into an artwork app and see what comes up.

We saw last time that this vision came to Ezekiel on his 30th birthday. It was the day he would have begun his service in the Temple.

God remembered Ezekiel’s birthday and He crashed his non-party.

#2 – @therealChariot (v15-24)

The burning question I’m sure we all have is this: “What does God need with a starship?”

Ok, so maybe that’s from Star Trek V. God doesn’t need a starship to travel. He doesn’t require Cherubim to drive Him. He doesn’t need a prophet. He doesn’t need you & He doesn’t need me.

He has created us to have fellowship with Him & with one another as members of one another. It is the way of things. And we are to be in a local fellowship because we are a body & a building:

  • If you are a stone for a building, you are useless alone.
  • If you are a body part, you are useless alone. And gangrenous.

Ezk 1:15  Now as I looked at the living creatures, behold, a wheel was on the earth beside each living creature with its four faces.

Ezk 1:16  The appearance of the wheels and their workings was like the color of beryl, and all four had the same likeness. The appearance of their workings was, as it were, a wheel in the middle of a wheel.

Ezk 1:17  When they moved, they went toward any one of four directions; they did not turn aside when they went.

Ezk 1:18  As for their rims, they were so high they were awesome; and their rims were full of eyes, all around the four of them.

Ezk 1:19  When the living creatures went, the wheels went beside them; and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up.

I’ve seen what are called ‘Omni-Wheels’ on the Apple iCar prototype. They look like soccer balls & go in every direction. The car can go sideways.

Ezk 1:20  Wherever the spirit wanted to go, they went, because there the spirit went; and the wheels were lifted together with them, for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.

Ezk 1:21  When those went, these went; when those stood, these stood; and when those were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up together with them, for the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels.

  • The Cherubim had control of the wheels. When the Cherubim moved, the wheels moved.
  • The Spirit of God had control of the Cherubim.

Ezk 1:22  The likeness of the firmament above the heads of the living creatures was like the color of an awesome crystal, stretched out over their heads.

There was a cover above the Cherubim, a platform. Light shone through it as light through a precious stone. The final verses of the chapter – we will look at them next time. There is a throne above the Cherubim & on the platform.

Ezk 1:23  And under the firmament their wings spread out straight, one toward another. Each one had two which covered one side, and each one had two which covered the other side of the body.

Ezk 1:24  When they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of many waters, like the voice of the Almighty, a tumult like the noise of an army; and when they stood still, they let down their wings.

The Ark and Mercy Seat were removed before Solomon’s Temple was destroyed. There are many theories as to where it went. Jeremiah may have hidden it. The Ethiopian Church claims that they have it.

It was never seen again after the First Temple was destroyed. In its place was a large stone slab onto which the High Priest sprinkled the blood on the Day of Atonement.

The Shekinah will return. There will be a Third Temple after the 7yr Time of Jacob’s Trouble – the Millennial Temple (43:1-5).

In Back to the Future there is a scene where Marty McFly is worried about whether Doc Brown will show up to help him get ‘back to the future.’ As tension builds, another character reassures Marty by saying, “Don’t worry, he’ll be here.” This line underscores the trust and belief in the hero’s timely arrival, despite the uncertainty of the moment.

Remember how Ezekiel ends – “The LORD will be there!”

God’s people were conquered and held captive. Shortly their trust in the Temple would be taken away. Looking back on centuries of intense persecution and suffering, it is easy to conclude that Israel has been abandoned by God.

Has God abandoned them? “Certainly not! … God has not cast away His people whom He foreknew” (Romans 11:1-2).

Meanwhile…The Lord is here!

  • If you are “in” Him, then He is indwelling you. Your body is the Temple of God the Holy Spirit.
  • He is present when we gather together. Collectively, we are His temple on Earth, being built together.

1 Chuck Missler points out that Bible gives an account of the number of Jews in each encampment. From an aerial view of their tents, it looks like a Cross!

Ezekiel 1:1-3 – I Coulda Been A Kohanim

We recognize certain milestone birthdays and set them apart for special observation and celebration.

  • 16  Driver’s license
  • 18  Reaching adulthood
  • 40  Midlife
  • 65  Traditional retirement age
  • 100 Less than 1% of the US population lives for a century

In Mexico and other Latin American cultures the 15th birthday for young ladies is celebrated with a quinceañera.

In Judaism, a bar mitzvah (for boys at 13) and bat mitzvah (for girls at 12) mark their coming of age.

In Israel among the male descendants of Levi’s son, Aaron, birthdays at 25yrs,  30yrs, & 50yrs are significant.

  • In Numbers 4:23 we are told, “From 30 years old and above, even to 50 years old [Levites] enter the service to do the work in the tabernacle of meeting.”
  • A few chapters later we read this clarification. “This is what pertains to the Levites: From 25 years old and above one may enter to perform service in the work of the tabernacle of meetings” (23:24-26).

From age 25 until turning 30 the Levites apprenticed. At 30 they began their service. Retirement was mandatory at age 50.

We learn immediately that Ezekiel was a “priest” (1:3) entering his “30th year.”

What ought to have been a milestone was more like a crushing millstone.

Ezekiel did not write to us, but what he wrote is still for us. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (Second Timothy 3:16-17).

When the apostle Paul wrote those words, “all scripture” was the Hebrew Bible we call the OT. The NT was still being written.

I’ll organize my comments around two questions: #1 How Would You Describe What Jesus Is Doing In You & Through You?, and #2 How Would Others Describe What Jesus Is Doing In You & Through You?

#1 – How Would You Describe What Jesus Is Doing In You & Through You (v1)

It is not uncommon for an interviewer to ask you, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

In Israel, if you were a descendant of Aaron, you were going to be a priest, a kohan (kohanim is plural).

Ezekiel knew what he was going to be as an adult. Only, when the time came, it was not possible:

  • King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon came to Jerusalem in 606BC during the reign of Jehoiakim. Jehoiakim surrendered to him. Nebuchadnezzar took some of the Temple treasures and prisoners, among whom were Daniel and his three companions.
  • Nebuchadnezzar returned in 597BC. King Jehoiakim had died and was followed by Jehoaichin, who reigned for only three months. He was taken captive to Babylon with the remainder of the Temple treasures and other prisoners, among whom was Ezekiel.
  • The Babylonians returned to Jerusalem in 586BC and destroyed the Temple and the city.

Levites were not priests the way we think of them. Zachary Garris writes, “The Levites were not just priests – they were warrior-priests. Their priestly origin is based in righteous violence. But God put the violent nature of the Levites to good use. Not only would the priests among them slaughter animals on a regular basis for sacrifice, but also all the Levites would guard the Tabernacle & Temple and the cities of refuge. Yahweh ordained and scattered the Levites throughout Israel in order to guard His worship.”

What does he mean by “righteous violence?” When, for example, the Israelites worshipped the Golden Calf, Moses called for “every man [to] put his sword on his side, and go in and out from entrance to entrance throughout the camp, and let every man kill his brother, every man his companion, and every man his neighbor.’ ” So the sons of Levi did according to the word of Moses. And about three thousand men of the people fell that day” (Exodus 32:27-28).

NT believers are warrior-priests:

  • The Church is called “priests” in Revelation 1:6.
  • We are warriors, told to put on the armor of God (Ephesians 6) and to become skillful utilizing various spiritual weaponry (Second Corinthians 10:4).

How is the warfare for you? What fronts are you fighting on? Where are you behind enemy lines? Are there chinks in your armor? Are you wounded? Are you getting more proficient with spiritual weapons, or are you trusting in the methods of the world and the strength of the flesh?

Ezk 1:1  Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the River Chebar…

Ezekiel was living in Babylon, down by the river.

Historians and Bible commentators are thankful for Ezekiel’s careful keeping track of time. But when somebody is that careful keeping track of days, it communicates a deep longing. Think of your kids counting how many ‘sleeps’ until you are taking them somewhere fun.

Ezekiel’s longing is captured in Psalm 137.

Psa 137:1  By the rivers of Babylon, There we sat down, yea, we wept When we remembered Zion.

Psa 137:2  We hung our harps Upon the willows in the midst of it.

Psa 137:3  For there those who carried us away captive asked of us a song, And those who plundered us requested mirth, Saying, “Sing us one of the songs of Zion!”

Psa 137:4  How shall we sing the LORD’s song In a foreign land?

Psa 137:5  If I forget you, O Jerusalem, Let my right hand forget its skill!

Psa 137:6  If I do not remember you, Let my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth – If I do not exalt Jerusalem Above my chief joy.

Psa 137:7  Remember, O LORD, against the sons of Edom The day of Jerusalem, Who said, “Raze it, raze it, To its very foundation!”

Psa 137:8  O daughter of Babylon, who are to be destroyed, Happy the one who repays you as you have served us!

Psa 137:9  Happy the one who takes and dashes Your little ones against the rock!

NT believers wait with a deep desire.

We “wait for His Son from Heaven, whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come” (First Thessalonians 1:10). Knowing I could be with Jesus right now, I am motivated to invest myself serving Him today.

The conditions of the Babylonian captivity weren’t severe. In fact, when it ended and they could return home, most Jews chose to stay and live under Persian rule.

Looking around… Things are getting severe. Do you say, “Even so, come Lord Jesus!” Or are we becoming too comfy-cozy?

Scholars have done the math. Ezekiel was taken captive at age 25, just when he would have begun his apprenticeship. The first vision came to him on the day of his 30th birthday.

God did not need Ezekiel to priest in captivity, but rather to prophesy.

Ezk  1:1  Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, on the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the River Chebar, that the heavens were opened and I saw visions of God.

How are we to understand the “visions?” A commentary I consulted said, “One of the unusual parts of Ezekiel’s experience seems to be that he was physically taken away by the Spirit of God while the hand of God was upon him, and that he was returned to his place among the exiles at the end of his vision. We conclude this from the reference in a later chapter that reads: “Then the Spirit lifted me up, and I heard behind me a loud rumbling sound. The Spirit then lifted me up and took me away, and I went with the strong hand of the Lord upon me.”

Ezekiel was the first believer to be caught up & away bodily.

Before moving on, I want to mention the modern-day kohanim. How can they be identified?

Geneticist Dr. David Goldstein says, “[As it turns out] almost 100% of all men with family tradition of priesthood do descend from kohanim. Generation after generation of Jewish women were faithful to their husbands and their tradition. What a proud record of fidelity. Geneticists describe these results as “the highest record of paternity-certainty ever recorded… Date calculation based on the variation of the mutations among kohanim today yields a time frame of 106 generations from the ancestral founder of the line, some 3,300 years ago.” This exactly supports the tradition of descent from Aaron, brother of Moses.”

Many modern Jews with the surname Cohen & Kahn are kohanim.

The Nezer HaKodesh Institute for Kohanic Studies is teaching Jewish priests to perform Temple service for the Third Temple.

#2 – How Would Others Describe What Jesus Is Doing In You & Through You? (v2-3)

Take time to source a claim before you Insta, FaceBook, or X. It will keep you from furthering false rumors, like “ABC Refused to Renew Whoopi Goldberg’s and Joy Behar’s Contracts for The View for being toxic.”

The next two verses read like an independent Fact Check, verifying what Ezekiel said in verse one.

Ezk 1:2  On the fifth day of the month, which was in the fifth year of King Jehoiachin’s captivity,

In this third-person account Ezekiel is being vetted. It’s a spiritual background check so the reader can be comfortable the priest was indeed raised-up as God’s prophet.

Ezk 1:3  the word of the LORD came expressly to Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the River Chebar; and the hand of the LORD was upon him there.

The LSV (Literal Standard Version) of verse three reads, “the word of YHWH has certainly been to Ezekiel son of Buzi the priest, in the land of the Chaldeans, by the river Chebar, and there is on him there a hand of YHWH.

It’s the findings of his vetting. Ezekiel is a bonafide prophet operating in the sphere of God’s almighty power.

There are no prophets today.

There is the Gift of Prophesy. It is a gift from God the Holy Spirit for some (not all) believers. It is exercised to benefit & bless the Church as discussed at length in First Corinthians 14.

In our fellowship it mostly takes the form of God the Holy Spirit impressing on a person to call our attention to a particular Scripture. Often that Scripture, or several taken together, speak encouragement to the gathering – and to someone in particular.

We would also acknowledge dreams and waking dreams, i.e., visions, as forms of Church Age prophesy.

The person speaking needs to be vetted. What they’ve said needs to be judged by the written Word.

If ultimately the Gift of Prophecy is the application of the written, complete Bible, why do we exercise it?

  • The Bible presents it as a gift that has not ceased. I do not have the freedom to ignore it simply because it is controversial.
  • A large portion of First Corinthians is dedicated to the proper exercise of gifts, prophecy being an important one. Why so much instruction about the so-called Sign Gifts if they were to shortly cease?
  • Nowhere can we honestly prove from Scripture that certain gifts, like prophesy, have ceased. Cessationists mostly criticize the very real abuses of the gifts. But this requires correction, not cessation.
  • On a personal level, it is humbling and intimate for the Lord to speak to you using independent means. Sure, you can search out verses from Nave’s Topical Bible. But when the Word speaks to you in a live setting, it can be precious.

Jeremiah, in Jerusalem, had been prophesying for about 35 years to this point.  Daniel was just beginning his amazing ministry and was at the heart of the action in the very courts of Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon.

Ezekiel was stuck out along the River Chebar, a canal that was connected to the River Euphrates, in a Jewish settlement. He was out in the sticks, in Riverdale, a nobody, a priest who would never serve in the Temple.

Is “the hand of the Lord upon [us] here” in the sticks by the Kings River? 

One way to determine an answer is to read Jesus’ letters to seven churches in the opening chapters of the Revelation. It is our belief that each letter was written to every church. Yes, the letter to, say, the Church in Philadelphia was for that spiritual community, at that time. But the things the Lord says to them are applicable to any Church, any time they find themselves like Philadelphia.

One argument in favor of that is the fact they all end with Jesus saying, “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches” (plural).

Another argument in favor of their being written to every church is that some of the rewards promised to a church are elsewhere promised to all believers.

We can read the letters asking, “How are we like or unlike each church?” Would Jesus commend us for certain things, or criticize us?

The heavens opened for Ezekiel. The heavens will open for us:

1Th 4:16  For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first.

1Th 4:17  Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.

1Th 4:18  Therefore comfort one another with these words.

Secret rapture is a term frequently used as a pejorative by those who deny the idea that the rapture of the church is separate from the Second Coming of Christ. Do you think graves opening to release the dead in Christ will happen in secret? Christians alive at the time will be flying airplanes, driving cars. It won’t be very secret when the co-pilot announces over the comm, “Ladies & gentlemen, the Captain was just raptured, and I cannot raise LAX air traffic control. I suggest you buckle-up… And receive the Lord.”

  • Maybe the Gideon’s could explore having a Bible in the storage compartment of airline seats?
  • Or Franklin Graham can record a 90sec evangelism video to play?

Billy Graham once said, “Jesus wants to give you hope for the future. He wants you to learn what it means to walk with Him every day. When you come to Jesus, God gives you eternal life – which begins right now as you open your heart to Him.”

Shammah-Wow (Ezekiel 48)

There are many strange and peculiar names of cities in the United States:

Knockemstiff, Ohio
Slaughterville, Oklahoma
Burns Down, South Carolina
Frankenstein, Missouri
Goblintown, Virginia
Looneyville, Minnesota & New York
Tightwad, Missouri

There are a bunch of towns with ‘Hell’ or ‘Devil’ in the name – e.g., Devil’s Den, CA, and Half Hell, North Carolina.

Some U.S. cities have changed names over time:

San Francisco was once called Yerba Buena
Austin, Texas, was once called Waterloo
St. Paul, Minnesota, was once called Pig’s Eye

Ezekiel ends his remarkable prophecy by letting us know that in the future Millennial Kingdom, Jerusalem will have a new name.  We’ll see it in the very last verse of the book – Jehovah-Shammah.

On the way there we see the final distribution of the Holy Land to the tribes of Israel.

We start with the inheritance of seven of the tribes in verses one through seven.

Ezekiel 48:1  “Now these are the names of the tribes: From the northern border along the road to Hethlon at the entrance of Hamath, to Hazar Enan, the border of Damascus northward, in the direction of Hamath, there shall be one section for Dan from its east to its west side;
Ezekiel 48:2  by the border of Dan, from the east side to the west, one section for Asher;
Ezekiel 48:3  by the border of Asher, from the east side to the west, one section for Naphtali;
Ezekiel 48:4  by the border of Naphtali, from the east side to the west, one section for Manasseh;
Ezekiel 48:5  by the border of Manasseh, from the east side to the west, one section for Ephraim;
Ezekiel 48:6  by the border of Ephraim, from the east side to the west, one section for Reuben;
Ezekiel 48:7  by the border of Reuben, from the east side to the west, one section for Judah;

All the tribal portions extend across the breadth of the land from east to west making a series of parallel tracts.  These seven tribes are listed in order from the northernmost and then going south.

The division of land is different from that in the time of Joshua.  It takes into account the new geography created by the ravages of the Great Tribulation as well as the Lord’s return to the Mount of Olives creating a new valley running east to west.

In verses eight through twelve tell us that the Temple will be in the tract just south of these seven tribes, in the very center of the Holy Land.

Ezekiel 48:8  by the border of Judah, from the east side to the west, shall be the district which you shall set apart, twenty-five thousand cubits in width, and in length the same as one of the other portions, from the east side to the west, with the sanctuary in the center.
Ezekiel 48:9  “The district that you shall set apart for the Lord shall be twenty-five thousand cubits in length and ten thousand in width.

It is noteworthy that the Millennial Temple will therefore be in a different location that the former Temples or the Tribulation Temple.

The priests will have their portion in this tract surrounding the Temple.

Ezekiel 48:10  To these – to the priests – the holy district shall belong: on the north twenty-five thousand cubits in length, on the west ten thousand in width, on the east ten thousand in width, and on the south twenty-five thousand in length. The sanctuary of the Lord shall be in the center.
Ezekiel 48:11  It shall be for the priests of the sons of Zadok, who are sanctified, who have kept My charge, who did not go astray when the children of Israel went astray, as the Levites went astray.
Ezekiel 48:12  And this district of land that is set apart shall be to them a thing most holy by the border of the Levites.

The tract for the Levites seems to be north of the one for the priests and immediately south of the portion for the seven tribes, or in-between the portion of the priests and the tribes.  Tribes, Levites, priests & Temple is the order.

Ezekiel 48:13  “Opposite the border of the priests, the Levites shall have an area twenty-five thousand cubits in length and ten thousand in width; its entire length shall be twenty-five thousand and its width ten thousand.
Ezekiel 48:14  And they shall not sell or exchange any of it; they may not alienate this best part of the land, for it is holy to the Lord.

In the Old Testament the Levites were scattered throughout the land.  When they were not serving their course in the Temple they could be among the people as teachers and counselors.  In the Millennium they will have their own tract and remain in proximity to the Temple.

The location of the city is next, in verses fifteen through twenty.

Ezekiel 48:15  “The five thousand cubits in width that remain, along the edge of the twenty-five thousand, shall be for general use by the city, for dwellings and common-land; and the city shall be in the center.
Ezekiel 48:16  These shall be its measurements: the north side four thousand five hundred cubits, the south side four thousand five hundred, the east side four thousand five hundred, and the west side four thousand five hundred.
Ezekiel 48:17  The common-land of the city shall be: to the north two hundred and fifty cubits, to the south two hundred and fifty, to the east two hundred and fifty, and to the west two hundred and fifty.
Ezekiel 48:18  The rest of the length, alongside the district of the holy section, shall be ten thousand cubits to the east and ten thousand to the west. It shall be adjacent to the district of the holy section, and its produce shall be food for the workers of the city.
Ezekiel 48:19  The workers of the city, from all the tribes of Israel, shall cultivate it.
Ezekiel 48:20  The entire district shall be twenty-five thousand cubits by twenty-five thousand cubits, foursquare. You shall set apart the holy district with the property of the city.

Remember that at the Lord’s Second Coming the Mount of Olives is cloven in two creating a valley that will run east to west.

Zechariah 14:4  And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, Which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, From east to west, Making a very large valley; Half of the mountain shall move toward the north And half of it toward the south.

The city will be situated in a magnificent position on the north side of this great valley.  No wonder it is spoken of as “beautiful for situation.”

There is mention of “the workers of the city.”  Laborers from each of the tribes will work the land.

There is nothing wrong with work.  Adam was charged with keeping the Garden of Eden before the Fall.

David, the Lord’s prince and co-regent, will have a section:

Ezekiel 48:21  “The rest shall belong to the prince, on one side and on the other of the holy district and of the city’s property, next to the twenty-five thousand cubits of the holy district as far as the eastern border, and westward next to the twenty-five thousand as far as the western border, adjacent to the tribal portions; it shall belong to the prince. It shall be the holy district, and the sanctuary of the temple shall be in the center.
Ezekiel 48:22  Moreover, apart from the possession of the Levites and the possession of the city which are in the midst of what belongs to the prince, the area between the border of Judah and the border of Benjamin shall belong to the prince.

The Prince’s portion seems to be on either side of the city.  According to one calculation the tracts for the Levites, the priests, the Prince and the city measure 60 miles square.  The city itself will measure twelve miles in each direction, or 144,000 square miles.

Next comes the land alloted to five more tribes.

Ezekiel 48:23  “As for the rest of the tribes, from the east side to the west, Benjamin shall have one section;
Ezekiel 48:24  by the border of Benjamin, from the east side to the west, Simeon shall have one section;
Ezekiel 48:25  by the border of Simeon, from the east side to the west, Issachar shall have one section;
Ezekiel 48:26  by the border of Issachar, from the east side to the west, Zebulun shall have one section;
Ezekiel 48:27  by the border of Zebulun, from the east side to the west, Gad shall have one section;
Ezekiel 48:28  by the border of Gad, on the south side, toward the South, the border shall be from Tamar to the waters of Meribah by Kadesh, along the brook to the Great Sea.
Ezekiel 48:29  This is the land which you shall divide by lot as an inheritance among the tribes of Israel, and these are their portions,” says the Lord God.

Section by section and tribe by tribe.  It will be very orderly, very equal.

Ingress and egress to the city will be through the gates described in the next set of verses.

Ezekiel 48:30  “These are the exits of the city. On the north side, measuring four thousand five hundred cubits
Ezekiel 48:31  (the gates of the city shall be named after the tribes of Israel), the three gates northward: one gate for Reuben, one gate for Judah, and one gate for Levi;
Ezekiel 48:32  on the east side, four thousand five hundred cubits, three gates: one gate for Joseph, one gate for Benjamin, and one gate for Dan;
Ezekiel 48:33  on the south side, measuring four thousand five hundred cubits, three gates: one gate for Simeon, one gate for Issachar, and one gate for Zebulun;
Ezekiel 48:34  on the west side, four thousand five hundred cubits with their three gates: one gate for Gad, one gate for Asher, and one gate for Naphtali.

The gates are named after the twelve tribes but there are some differences between the tribes mentioned here and in the preceding passage.  Here is one suggestion as to why that is.

In verses 1-29 the… tribe of Levi has a special inheritance area and Joseph’s two sons (Ephraim and Manasseh) are both given tribes. In the new Holy City, however, the gates are named for people more than for regions, because everyone, whether of the priestly tribe or not, has access to the city, as symbolized by including all twelve of the original sons of Jacob in the naming of the gates.  In other words, it is the tribes of Israel (v3131), not the tribal territories of Israel, that have occasioned the names of the gates.  Joseph’s name therefore appears where Ephraim and Manasseh would have if this were a list of tribal territories.  Levi’s name appears where it would not be listed in a grouping of territories, since the Levites never had a strictly tribal allotment.

Finally we’re told that the city will have a new name.

Ezekiel 48:35  All the way around shall be eighteen thousand cubits; and the name of the city from that day shall be: THE LORD IS THERE.

The Hebrew is Jehovah Shammah.  In the Believers Bible Commentary, William MacDonald says this:

This name reminds us of what was always in the heart of God: He loves His creatures so much that He always planned to have them close to Himself.  He is ever searching, asking, “Where are you?,” calling to repentance and faith.  As Son of God He even came down to earth to die for us.  His wish will be fulfilled: man will be close to His heart.  We can engage in and participate in His search for the lost even now, while living close to His heart here on earth.  This is God’s desire for us.

In his stand-alone commentary Charles Feinberg says:

This incomparable prophecy began with a vision of the glory of God and concludes with a description of the glory of the Lord in the glorified city of Jerusalem.  Ezekiel concluded… with God dwelling with man in holiness and glory.  Beyond this there is no greater goal of history and God’s dealings with man.

God came searching for lost mankind in the Garden and He’s been searching us out ever since!

Where will we be during the Millennium?  Dr. J. Vernon McGee says,

I rather think that at the Rapture the church will be brought to [the New Jerusalem]. I believe this city is to be our permanent home.  I think that during the Millennium it will be a matter of commuting back and forth from the earth to the New Jerusalem.

If that is indeed the case, the city whose builder and maker is God, and where Jesus is gone to prepare our heavenly mansions, will hover over the earth during the Millennium.  Then, after the Millennium, when there are new heavens and a new earth, it will hover over the earth and remain our home.

From there we will commute to our ‘work’ on the Millennial earth.

Revelation 20:6  Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.

From the New Jerusalem we will commute to Jehovah Shammah and throughout the Millennial earth spreading the joy and justice of Jesus Christ!

Water Lording (Ezekiel 47)

The annual Feast of Tabernacles was the most joyous on Israel’s calendar.   Alfred Edersheim writes,

It fell on a time of year when the hearts of the people would naturally be full of thankfulness, gladness, and expectancy.  All the crops had been long stored; and now all fruits were also gathered, the vintage past, and the land only awaited the softening and refreshment of the ‘latter rain,’ to prepare it for a new crop.

One of the chief features of the feast was that the people would construct temporary shelters from branches of trees and move outdoors for seven days.  It caused families to look back to Israel’s deliverance from Egypt and their subsequent wandering in the wilderness for forty years when Israel lived in tents and worshiped at the Tabernacle (which was also a tent).

One special characteristic of the Feast of Tabernacles was the pouring of a vessel of water into a basin that was located at the base of the altar.  First the golden vessel of water was filled at the pool of Siloam and taken to the altar.  Next another golden vessel would be filled with wine and they both would be poured together into the basin.  The mixed water and wine would flow down a conduit which carried the water to the Brook of Kidron located across from the eastern wall.
It pictured for the Jews the coming of the Messiah and His kingdom in which the Holy Spirit would be poured on Israel and believers from all nations.  This ritual of water pouring was continued for six days.  The last day was called the “Day of the Great Hosanan” (Hoshannah Rabbah). The word “Hoshannah” means to save now and, applied to the feast, became “Hosanna.”  It was a look forward to the coming of the Messiah to establish the kingdom of God on the earth.
This makes the event of Jesus entering the city in what is called the “Triumphal Entry” come alive for us.  John records (12:13) that as Jesus entered Jerusalem the people, “took branches of palm trees, and went forth to meet him, and cried, Hosanna: Blessed is the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord.”

Matthew 21:15 records the chief priest and scribes became seriously upset because this greeting and prayer was reserved only for the coming of the Messiah.  Mark records that the people also cried “Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, that cometh in the name of the Lord: Hosanna in the highest” (11:10).
Following His entry into Jerusalem Jesus went to the Temple and we read, “In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water” (John 7:38-39).

Thus was Jesus representing Himself as the fulfillment of the symbolism of Tabernacles, as the Messiah Whose coming would result in the pouring-out upon all believers of the Holy Spirit and the establishing of the kingdom on earth.

What does this have to do with Ezekiel?  In his commentary on Ezekiel, scholar Charles Lee Feinberg says,

Water-drawing on the Feast of Tabernacles… owed much of its ceremonial symbolism to this passage [in Ezekiel 47].

Prominent in chapter forty-seven is a fountain of water whose source is the Temple and continuously flows out through the Promised Land.

Ezekiel 47:1  Then he brought me back to the door of the temple; and there was water, flowing from under the threshold of the temple toward the east, for the front of the temple faced east; the water was flowing from under the right side of the temple, south of the altar.
Ezekiel 47:2  He brought me out by way of the north gate, and led me around on the outside to the outer gateway that faces east; and there was water, running out on the right side.

We’ve established in prior studies that the “he” who is leading Ezekiel on this tour is Jesus.

Why aren’t we simply told it’s Him?  Because there is joy in the discovery!  It’s an aspect of our Lord that He is romantic and wants to be found out as we desire to know Him.

Ezekiel was led by Jesus back to the front of the Temple building where he saw the origin of the river coming from under the Temple porch.  It apparently went underground and reemerged from under the eastern gate.  As it continued through the city, into the countryside, toward the Jordan Valley, it became wider and deeper so that it was a great river.

It’s not the only place in Scripture to describe this living water in the future kingdom:

Psalm 46:4 alludes to the “river whose streams make glad the city of God.”
Psalm 65:9 speaks of the “streams of God” that provide water for the agriculture of the land.
Isaiah 33:20 foresees Zion as a place of “broad rivers and streams.”
Joel 3:18 envisions the “fountain that will flow out of the Lord’s house.”
Zechariah14:8 describes the “living water” that will flow out from Jerusalem heading east and the west.

Ezekiel 47:3  And when the man went out to the east with the line in his hand, he measured one thousand cubits, and he brought me through the waters; the water came up to my ankles.
Ezekiel 47:4  Again he measured one thousand and brought me through the waters; the water came up to my knees. Again he measured one thousand and brought me through; the water came up to my waist.
Ezekiel 47:5  Again he measured one thousand, and it was a river that I could not cross; for the water was too deep, water in which one must swim, a river that could not be crossed.

Of interest here is that when this water emerges it is described, in verse two, as “run[ning] out.”  The words mean to trickle.  But this trickle, without any other water joining it, gets broader and deeper as it flows – defying all natural laws and putting us in the realm of the miraculous.

It’s hard to get a grip on the exact conditions that will prevail in the future Millennial Kingdom.  The Lord is going to be doing all sorts of unusual things, like have a trickle of water become a mighty rushing river.

Ezekiel 47:6  He said to me, “Son of man, have you seen this?” Then he brought me and returned me to the bank of the river.
Ezekiel 47:7  When I returned, there, along the bank of the river, were very many trees on one side and the other.
Ezekiel 47:8  Then he said to me: “This water flows toward the eastern region, goes down into the valley, and enters the sea. When it reaches the sea, its waters are healed.
Ezekiel 47:9  And it shall be that every living thing that moves, wherever the rivers go, will live. There will be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters go there; for they will be healed, and everything will live wherever the river goes.
Ezekiel 47:10  It shall be that fishermen will stand by it from En Gedi to En Eglaim; they will be places for spreading their nets. Their fish will be of the same kinds as the fish of the Great Sea, exceedingly many.
Ezekiel 47:11  But its swamps and marshes will not be healed; they will be given over to salt.
Ezekiel 47:12  Along the bank of the river, on this side and that, will grow all kinds of trees used for food; their leaves will not wither, and their fruit will not fail. They will bear fruit every month, because their water flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for medicine.”

Don’t confuse this passage in Ezekiel with the description of eternity in Revelation chapter twenty-two.  Yes, there are similarities, notably that a river flows through and nourishes trees on both its sides.  In the Revelation, however, you are clearly told that there will be no Temple (21:22).

As this river enters the Dead Sea, the water there will become fresh.  The Dead Sea, now some six times saltier than the ocean, will become completely salt-free.  This now-lifeless body of water will then support life so that where the river flows everything will live.  Fishermen will crowd the shores.

While the Dead Sea itself will be made fresh, the swamps and marshes will not become fresh; they will be left for salt.  Don’t think of that as a bad thing!  Salt is an essential element and the Dead Sea area is Israel’s chief source of salt.

It’s telling us that God will provide for all of Israel’s needs.

Another way God will provide for Israel is by the trees on the riverbanks that will bear fruit year-round.  God will use these trees to meet people’s physical needs.  The fruit will provide food and their leaves will provide healing.  How healing will come from the leaves is not clear but sickness will be virtually eliminated.  It’s one of those ‘Millennial-mysteries.’

Beginning with verses thirteen and fourteen we see the future division of the land to the tribes of Israel.  It is a subject that will occupy the rest of the book.

Ezekiel 47:13  Thus says the Lord God: “These are the borders by which you shall divide the land as an inheritance among the twelve tribes of Israel. Joseph shall have two portions.
Ezekiel 47:14  You shall inherit it equally with one another; for I raised My hand in an oath to give it to your fathers, and this land shall fall to you as your inheritance.

God promised Abraham and his physical descendants certain land in what we call the Middle East and that promise has never been rescinded.  Israel’s experiencing blessing in the land was conditioned on her obedience, but her right to possess the land has never been revoked.

Any system of understanding the Bible as a whole, what we call systematic theology, must account for the literal promises God made to the physical descendants of Abraham.  Thus if a system is grossly ignorant of Israel, stating, for example, that we are now somehow ‘spiritual Israel,’ well, I reject that.  And if the system is wrong on so fundamental a truth, so important a topic, why follow it at all?

One such system is called replacement theology.  One of its adherents, Kenneth Gentry, defines replacement theology as follows: “We believe that the international Church has superseded for all times national Israel as the institution for the administration of divine blessing to the world.”  European scholar Ronald Diprose defines replacement theology as follows: “the Church completely and permanently replaced ethnic Israel in the working out of God’s plan and as recipient of Old Testament promises addressed to Israel.”

Also called supersessionism, they believe that Israel has no future in the plan of God.  The church inherits all the blessings, while Israel is meant to endure only curses.

Another systematic theology, Reformed Covenant theology, is described by one of its adherents this way:

For Reformed theology, the church has always been the Israel of God and the Israel of God has always been the church.  Reformed covenant theology distinguishes the old and new covenants. It recognizes that the church was temporarily administered through a typological, national people, but the church has existed since Adam, Noah, and Abraham; and it existed under Moses and David; and it exists under Christ.

No, the church has not existed since Adam!  It is a mystery revealed in the New Testament.

At best, these views mishandle major portions of the Bible.  At worst, they foster anti-Semitism.  We reject their views on Israel.  And I’m serious when I say that if they can be so wrong about Israel, which is such a huge part of Scripture, why think they are right about other issues?

We believe that the church is the current instrument through which God is working in this age and God has a future plan in which He will restore national Israel

In verses fifteen through twenty we get the borders of the land.

Ezekiel 47:15  “This shall be the border of the land on the north: from the Great Sea, by the road to Hethlon, as one goes to Zedad,
Ezekiel 47:16  Hamath, Berothah, Sibraim (which is between the border of Damascus and the border of Hamath), to Hazar Hatticon (which is on the border of Hauran).
Ezekiel 47:17  Thus the boundary shall be from the Sea to Hazar Enan, the border of Damascus; and as for the north, northward, it is the border of Hamath. This is the north side.
Ezekiel 47:18  “On the east side you shall mark out the border from between Hauran and Damascus, and between Gilead and the land of Israel, along the Jordan, and along the eastern side of the sea. This is the east side.
Ezekiel 47:19  “The south side, toward the South, shall be from Tamar to the waters of Meribah by Kadesh, along the brook to the Great Sea. This is the south side, toward the South.
Ezekiel 47:20  “The west side shall be the Great Sea, from the southern boundary until one comes to a point opposite Hamath. This is the west side.

The land shown to Moses in Deuteronomy thirty-four and allotted among the tribes by Joshua was never fully under Israelite control.  Much of it was captured initially but abandoned to Canaanite resettlement when the Israelites failed to fully drive them out.  More of it was lost during the disastrous days of the Judges.  David recaptured a lot of it, but by reason of the faithlessness of the people of God, much was again lost to neighbors, far or distant, during the days of the kings.  All had been lost, of course, as Ezekiel was writing to the exiles in Babylon.

The vision of a fully restored Israel, occupying all it’s territory, was given at a time when it was, in human terms, impossible.  The exiles were to walk by faith in the ultimate future promised to them.

Ezekiel 47:21  “Thus you shall divide this land among yourselves according to the tribes of Israel.
Ezekiel 47:22  It shall be that you will divide it by lot as an inheritance for yourselves, and for the strangers who dwell among you and who bear children among you. They shall be to you as native-born among the children of Israel; they shall have an inheritance with you among the tribes of Israel.
Ezekiel 47:23  And it shall be that in whatever tribe the stranger dwells, there you shall give him his inheritance,” says the Lord God.

Ezekiel also included regulations for allotting land to resident aliens who will want to associate with Israel.  Being considered native-born Israelites, they are to be allotted an inheritance among the tribes of Israel.  Though foreigners had always been allowed to live in Israel, in the Millennium they will be allowed to enjoy other privileges previously granted only to Israelites.  Though the Millennial Age will be a time of blessing for believing Israel, believing Gentiles will also enjoy God’s blessing.
This would have been a radical thought for the exiles.  After all, they had just been conquered by a great Gentile power, Babylon.  Add to that their ethnic prejudices.

Yet Ezekiel was bold to share what God was showing him.  Though Israel would be the apple of His eye, God’s mercy and grace and salvation extended to everyone.

Are there groups of people we have trouble envisioning as coming to faith in Jesus?  We need to get over it and extend the Gospel to “whosoever will.”  The Gospel is God’s universal provision for mankind’s universal need.

“All who are thirsty” may come and drink freely of God’s salvation.

Sur La Temple (Ezekiel 46v1-24)

Feasts are featured in this chapter.  In fact, it closes with a look at the kitchens the levites will use in their preparations for the various feasts.

First we see the calendar Israel will follow in her feasts.

Ezekiel 46:1  ‘Thus says the Lord God: “The gateway of the inner court that faces toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the Sabbath it shall be opened, and on the day of the New Moon it shall be opened.

There is so much confusion about the Sabbath, and by that I mean whether or not Christians are obligated to observe it in some manner in the age in which we live.

Over the years we’ve suggested a multitude of reasons why we are definitely not under any obligation to ‘keep’ the Sabbath.

As we read the opening verses of chapter forty-six we’ll see that the Sabbath will be observed in the future Millennium, the one-thousand year kingdom of Heaven on the earth.  Reading it’s regulations carefully we will see another reason why we are not under obligation to observe it now.

Ezekiel 46:2  The prince shall enter by way of the vestibule of the gateway from the outside, and stand by the gatepost. The priests shall prepare his burnt offering and his peace offerings. He shall worship at the threshold of the gate. Then he shall go out, but the gate shall not be shut until evening.
Ezekiel 46:3  Likewise the people of the land shall worship at the entrance to this gateway before the Lord on the Sabbaths and the New Moons.
Ezekiel 46:4  The burnt offering that the prince offers to the Lord on the Sabbath day shall be six lambs without blemish, and a ram without blemish;
Ezekiel 46:5  and the grain offering shall be one ephah for a ram, and the grain offering for the lambs, as much as he wants to give, as well as a hin of oil with every ephah.

If you haven’t been here for our recent studies, we’ve established that “the prince” is King David in his resurrected body acting as a co-regent with Jesus Christ.  These verses tell us how David will conduct the offerings for the weekly Sabbath.

Here is something else essential to remember about the Sabbath.  It involved a lot more than doing no work, resting as it were.  It required sacrifices be offered.  And not just any sacrifices, in any place, by anybody!

Listen to Numbers 28:9-10.

Numbers 28:9  ‘And on the Sabbath day two lambs in their first year, without blemish, and two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour as a grain offering, mixed with oil, with its drink offering –
Numbers 28:10  this is the burnt offering for every Sabbath, besides the regular burnt offering with its drink offering.

This very particular sacrifice and offerings could only be made by a Levitical priest at the prescribed place, the Temple altar.

Here’s the thing.  Seventh-day groups, like the Adventists but there are others, want to burden you with their Sabbath-keeping regulations.  But they are not, and they can not, observe the Sabbath as it was prescribed!  It requires the burnt offering be made by a Levite at the Temple.

Listen, if we can simply make-up our own rules about how to observe the weekly Sabbath, then it’s not something God has prescribed, is it?

Here is what one author wrote:

To “keep” the Sabbath today is to simply rest from your own efforts to save, heal, preserve, or deliver yourself by your own works.  The true “rest” is to rest by trusting in the sure promises of God found in the New Covenant.

In the church age we have entered into the spiritual rest of ceasing from form and ritual and such.  To try to observe the Sabbath is, in my mind, counter-productive.  It subtracts from the freedom we have in Christ.  Instead of rest we add works.  Don’t do it.

Once again I’d quote the conclusions of the Church Council at Jerusalem in the first century.

Acts 15:28  For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden than these necessary things:
Acts 15:29  that you abstain from things offered to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well. Farewell.
Acts 15:30  So when they were sent off, they came to Antioch; and when they had gathered the multitude together, they delivered the letter.
Acts 15:31  When they had read it, they rejoiced over its encouragement.

Sabbath? No!  No Sabbath for you!

In verse one there was a mention of the New Moon.  Israel followed a lunar calendar and so the phases of the moon were significant.  The next three verses address the sacrifices for the time of the New Moon.

Ezekiel 46:6  On the day of the New Moon it shall be a young bull without blemish, six lambs, and a ram; they shall be without blemish.
Ezekiel 46:7  He shall prepare a grain offering of an ephah for a bull, an ephah for a ram, as much as he wants to give for the lambs, and a hin of oil with every ephah.
Ezekiel 46:8  When the prince enters, he shall go in by way of the vestibule of the gateway, and go out the same way.

Let me quote some stuff from a Jewish website.

The Jewish calendar is lunar, with each month beginning on the new moon. The new months used to be determined by observation.  When the new moon was observed, the Sanhedrin declared the beginning of a new month and sent out messengers to tell people when the month began.  People in distant communities could not always be notified of the new moon (and therefore, of the first day of the month), so they did not know the correct day to celebrate.  They knew that the old month would be either 29 or 30 days, so if they didn’t get notice of the new moon, they celebrated holidays on both possible days.

[Thus] you may notice that the number of days of some holidays do not accord with what the Bible specifies.  In most cases, we celebrate one more day than the Bible requires [because in ancient times they were not notified on time].

This practice of celebrating an extra day was maintained as a custom even after we adopted a precise mathematical calendar, because it was the custom of our ancestors.  This extra day is not celebrated by Israelis, regardless of whether they are in Israel at the time of the holiday, because it is not the custom of their ancestors, but it is celebrated by everybody else, even if they are visiting Israel at the time of the holiday.

All Jewish holidays begin the evening before the date specified on most calendars.  This is because a Jewish “day” begins and ends at sunset, rather than at midnight.  If you read the story of creation in Genesis, you will notice that it says, “And there was evening, and there was morning, one day.”  From this, we infer that a day begins with evening, that is, sunset.  Holidays end at nightfall of the date specified on most calendars; that is, at the time when it becomes dark out, about an hour after sunset.

The world will be back on a lunar calendar during the Millennium.

All these holidays will mean that lots of people will be going in and come out of the Temple.  The next two verses indicate that there will be rules for coming and going.

Ezekiel 46:9  “But when the people of the land come before the Lord on the appointed feast days, whoever enters by way of the north gate to worship shall go out by way of the south gate; and whoever enters by way of the south gate shall go out by way of the north gate. He shall not return by way of the gate through which he came, but shall go out through the opposite gate.
Ezekiel 46:10  The prince shall then be in their midst. When they go in, he shall go in; and when they go out, he shall go out.

I do not think we can emphasize too much that God is orderly.  Yes, He is romantic and creative and poetic and artistic.  None of that cancels out the fact He is orderly and not prone to confusion.

We, therefore, must be orderly while also giving room for the romantic, the artistic, the poetic.

I think we have a great facility and that we are using it with real creativity.  Take the always touchy subject of kids in worship.  On Sunday mornings, to maintain as much order as possible in the main Sanctuary, we restrict the kids by age.  But there are lots of other areas on campus where families can sit together and still have an orderly worship.

Then, on Wednesday nights, we do something entirely different.  I love it!  Order with openness.

Ezekiel 46:11  At the festivals and the appointed feast days the grain offering shall be an ephah for a bull, an ephah for a ram, as much as he wants to give for the lambs, and a hin of oil with every ephah.
Ezekiel 46:12  “Now when the prince makes a voluntary burnt offering or voluntary peace offering to the Lord, the gate that faces toward the east shall then be opened for him; and he shall prepare his burnt offering and his peace offerings as he did on the Sabbath day. Then he shall go out, and after he goes out the gate shall be shut.

The prince figures prominently in all these celebrations.  He serves as the facilitator, but also as an example to the people.

Here’s a quote by Warren Wiersbe.  He said, “Good ministers preach the Word, godly ministers practice it.”

Let’s open that up to all of us as Christians, not just preachers.  Teaching precepts is one thing.  Providing the example is quite another.

Ezekiel 46:13  “You shall daily make a burnt offering to the Lord of a lamb of the first year without blemish; you shall prepare it every morning.
Ezekiel 46:14  And you shall prepare a grain offering with it every morning, a sixth of an ephah, and a third of a hin of oil to moisten the fine flour. This grain offering is a perpetual ordinance, to be made regularly to the Lord.
Ezekiel 46:15  Thus they shall prepare the lamb, the grain offering, and the oil, as a regular burnt offering every morning.”

In the Old Testament the burnt offering was a staple of the Temple.  Burnt offerings were to be made every day, in the morning and the evening (Exodus 29:38-42).  An additional burnt offering was to be offered up each Sabbath day (Numbers 28:9-10).  Also, at the beginning of each month (Numbers 28:11), at the celebration of Passover on the 14th day of the 1st month (Numbers 28:16), along with new grain offering at Feast of Weeks (Numbers 28:27), at the Feast of Trumpets, on sacred day in the 7th month (Numbers 29:1ff), and for the celebration of the new moon (Numbers 29:6).

Most of the sacrifices benefited the offerer and the priests in addition to being pleasing to God.  Sometimes the offerer would eat some of the meat of the sacrificial animal, and most often the priest received a portion of it.

Not so the burnt offering.  Neither the offerer nor the priest partook of any of the meat, for it was all burned in the fire.  The hide of the animal was the priest’s only portion.

Everyday for one thousand years in the future kingdom there will be a burnt offering in the morning.  Why the evening offering ceases I have no clue.  It does help to remind us that these verses are most definitely prophetic.  Israel has never worshipped this way in a Temple like this.

Ezekiel 46:16  ‘Thus says the Lord God: “If the prince gives a gift of some of his inheritance to any of his sons, it shall belong to his sons; it is their possession by inheritance.
Ezekiel 46:17  But if he gives a gift of some of his inheritance to one of his servants, it shall be his until the year of liberty, after which it shall return to the prince. But his inheritance shall belong to his sons; it shall become theirs.
Ezekiel 46:18  Moreover the prince shall not take any of the people’s inheritance by evicting them from their property; he shall provide an inheritance for his sons from his own property, so that none of My people may be scattered from his property.” ‘ ”

Not that we need it, but here is additional proof that the prince is not Jesus, because He has sons.  David will have sons and they will have an inheritance.

If he gives land to others, it will revert back to the original owners in the “year of liberty.”  The mention of him taking the inheritance of others isn’t to indicate David might get greedy.  After all, he’s in his resurrected body and cannot sin.

No, it is to remind us that not only will there be a weekly Sabbath, there will be a Sabbatical (Sabbath) year that occurs every seven years, and a Jubilee year every fifty years.  It is then that land reverts back to its inherited owners.

Leviticus twenty-five describes the Jubilee year. “Jubilee” means liberty. The Jubilee year was proclaimed with the sound of a trumpet on the Day of Atonement so that all knew the holy year has begun.  God owns the land, and in the Jubilee, He wanted the return of every man to his possession. Men, who worked as a servant to pay off their debt, were freed and allowed to return to their own land and to their families.

There will be twenty such Jubilee years in the Millennium.  There is no Day of Atonement celebrated in the Millennium, so I’m not sure when or how it will be proclaimed.

I’m going to share something I came across while researching the Jubilee.  I don’t want you patriots out there to think I’m a traitor; nor do I want you to think I’ve gotten into superstition.  I just am reporting what I read.  It’s cited in something called The Digest of Divine Law (pages 109-110).

The Liberty Bell, currently located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is an iconic symbol of American independence.

The bell’s first inscribed line quotes part of the Jubilee call found in the King James Bible version of Leviticus 25:10. The entire text of the Bible verse, with the part inscribed on the bell’s top line in capitals, is:

“And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and PROCLAIM LIBERTY THROUGHOUT [ALL] THE LAND UNTO ALL THE INHABITANTS THEREOF: it shall be a jubilee unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family.”

On July 8th, 1776, the bell rang out summoning the people to hear the reading of America’s Declaration of Independence.

Unfortunately, the United States has not obeyed the Law of Jubilee. It is widely believed the bell cracked in 1835 A.D. while being rung. The crack, which occurred roughly fifty years after America’s War of Independence ended in 1783, was severe enough to cause the bell never to be rung again. Periodic economic depressions have occurred in the United States about every fifty years.

You tell me!

The chapter ends with a description of the kitchens and cooking stations of the Levites.

Ezekiel 46:19  Now he brought me through the entrance, which was at the side of the gate, into the holy chambers of the priests which face toward the north; and there a place was situated at their extreme western end.
Ezekiel 46:20  And he said to me, “This is the place where the priests shall boil the trespass offering and the sin offering, and where they shall bake the grain offering, so that they do not bring them out into the outer court to sanctify the people.”
Ezekiel 46:21  Then he brought me out into the outer court and caused me to pass by the four corners of the court; and in fact, in every corner of the court there was another court.
Ezekiel 46:22  In the four corners of the court were enclosed courts, forty cubits long and thirty wide; all four corners were the same size.
Ezekiel 46:23  There was a row of building stones all around in them, all around the four of them; and cooking hearths were made under the rows of stones all around.
Ezekiel 46:24  And he said to me, “These are the kitchens where the ministers of the temple shall boil the sacrifices of the people.”

There will be a lot of cooking going on in the Millennial Temple.  I think the kitchens will be old school as far as gizmos and gadgets.

The kitchens for the priests are to be at the west end of the priests’ chambers adjacent to the Temple.  The kitchens for the sacrifices of the people will be in the four corners of the outer court.  When the people offer fellowship offerings to the Lord, they will be allowed to eat part of the sacrifice in a fellowship meal.

This all points to fellowship being the point, or at least the result, of the sacrifices.  The priests and the people will eat together.

We’re doing more around food and I think that’s a good thing!  Beyond that,   texts like this encourage us to slow down and spend more time enjoying one another’s company.

This Land Is Your Land, This Land Is My Land (Ezekiel 45)



When Israel first entered the Promised Land, there was a ‘lot’ (pun intended) of drama when Joshua got around to distributing portions of land to the various tribes.

The practice of casting lots is mentioned 70 times in the Old Testament and seven times in the New Testament.  In spite of the many references to casting lots in the Old Testament, nothing is known about the actual lots themselves.  They could have been sticks of various lengths, flat stones like coins, or some kind of dice; but their exact nature is unknown.  The closest modern practice to casting lots is likely flipping a coin.

The practice of casting lots occurs most often in connection with the division of the land under Joshua (Joshua 14-21) (GotQuestions.org)

None of the Biblical illustrations of casting lots had to do with games of chance.  Every time it was used, the Israelites depended on the Lord 100% to reveal to them His will.  It was an impartial way to find God’s will when choices had to occur.

While this was commonly done in Old Testament times and during the early part of the New Testament, it is no longer the way we determine God’s will. People during that period of time didn’t have the permanent indwelling of God the Holy Spirit or a completed Bible.  The one instance of casting lots in the New Testament after the resurrection of Jesus was by the eleven apostles to choose a replacement for Judas.  While some criticize them, I see no problem with the method.

In fact, in the future Millennial Kingdom Jesus will again distribute the land by lot only without the drama.  That distribution begins here in chapter forty-five.

Ezekiel 45:1  “Moreover, when you divide the land by lot into inheritance, you shall set apart a district for the Lord, a holy section of the land; its length shall be twenty-five thousand cubits, and the width ten thousand. It shall be holy throughout its territory all around.

In the division of the land Israel is to present to the Lord a portion of the land as a sacred district, 25,000 cubits (about 8.3 miles) long and 20,000 cubits (about 6.6 miles) wide.

The Lord is the Creator of the universe.  He has vast territories to His name.  Why does he need a small plot of land on the Millennial earth?

He doesn’t need it so much as Israel needs to give it to Him.  It’s like when you go somewhere and bring back something for someone.  It’s thoughtful; it’s a gesture of love.

Even now, giving to God is a thoughtful gesture that reflects your love.  That’s why I resist any teaching that says there is a definite, certain percentage of your money that you must give to God.  No, you give to God as you see fit.  But realize that giving reflects how much you’re thinking about Him!

Ezekiel 45:2  Of this there shall be a square plot for the sanctuary, five hundred by five hundred rods, with fifty cubits around it for an open space.
Ezekiel 45:3  So this is the district you shall measure: twenty-five thousand cubits long and ten thousand wide; in it shall be the sanctuary, the Most Holy Place.
Ezekiel 45:4  It shall be a holy section of the land, belonging to the priests, the ministers of the sanctuary, who come near to minister to the Lord; it shall be a place for their houses and a holy place for the sanctuary.
Ezekiel 45:5  An area twenty-five thousand cubits long and ten thousand wide shall belong to the Levites, the ministers of the temple; they shall have twenty chambers as a possession.
Ezekiel 45:6  “You shall appoint as the property of the city an area five thousand cubits wide and twenty-five thousand long, adjacent to the district of the holy section; it shall belong to the whole house of Israel.

Within this land area will be the Temple complex Ezekiel had just described in chapters 40-43.  This rectangle of land will be divided into two equal portions, each about 8.3 miles long and about 3.3 miles wide.

The first portion, in which will be located the sanctuary, will be allotted to the priests for their houses as well as a holy place for the sanctuary.
The second portion will be allotted to the Levites, who serve in the temple, as their possession for towns to live in.

In Old Testament times the priests and the levites were scattered throughout Israel.  It allowed them to be available to minister to the people when they weren’t serving in the Temple.  In the future kingdom we’re told that “… the earth will be filled With the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, As the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14).  Thus the priests and the levites can concentrate on their Temple service.

Jesus stopped to minister to those who were most lowly.  A woman, for example, who snuck-up on Him to touch the hem of His garment did not go unnoticed.  If we want to be like our Lord then we, too, must allow for interruptions by the least of these.

At the same time it is true that there are weightier matters.  We ought to serve one another in such a way that we relieve, rather than add to, the burden of ministry on others.

Ezekiel 45:7  “The prince shall have a section on one side and the other of the holy district and the city’s property; and bordering on the holy district and the city’s property, extending westward on the west side and eastward on the east side, the length shall be side by side with one of the tribal portions, from the west border to the east border.
Ezekiel 45:8  The land shall be his possession in Israel; and My princes shall no more oppress My people, but they shall give the rest of the land to the house of Israel, according to their tribes.”

We saw in our last study that “the prince” is King David in his resurrected body serving as a co-regent with Jesus.

By the way, this pairing of David and Jesus makes for an interesting apologetic argument.  In Matthew 22:41-45 we read the following.
Matthew 22:41  While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them,
Matthew 22:42  saying, “What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?” They said to Him, “The Son of David.”
Matthew 22:43  He said to them, “How then does David in the Spirit call Him ‘LORD,’ saying:
Matthew 22:45  If David then calls Him ‘LORD,’ how is He his Son?”

Then, in the Revelation of Jesus Christ, we read this:

Revelation 22:16  “I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David…”

Only if Jesus were the eternal God come in human flesh could He be both the root (ancestor) and the offspring (descendant) of David.  Only if Jesus were the eternal God come in human flesh could David call his son Lord.

At the mention of David and his future righteous reign the prophet is given a word to speak to his contemporaries and those who would follow.

Ezekiel 45:9  ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Enough, O princes of Israel! Remove violence and plundering, execute justice and righteousness, and stop dispossessing My people,” says the Lord God.
Ezekiel 45:10  “You shall have honest scales, an honest ephah, and an honest bath.
Ezekiel 45:11  The ephah and the bath shall be of the same measure, so that the bath contains one-tenth of a homer, and the ephah one-tenth of a homer; their measure shall be according to the homer.
Ezekiel 45:12  The shekel shall be twenty gerahs; twenty shekels, twenty-five shekels, and fifteen shekels shall be your mina.

Ezekiel’s audience was in exile, held captive in Babylon.  The captivity would end in seventy years and there would be a lot of history from the end of the sixth century BC til the coming of Jesus.  The Jewish leaders were being exhorted to be fair and to carry out the Lord’s will with righteousness.

We’re not exiles or captives, but we are pilgrims and strangers awaiting the resurrection and rapture of the church.  We might have a lot more living to do before Jesus calls us home.  Let’s live as we ought to in these last days!

Here is how the apostle Peter described it.

2 Peter 3:11  Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness,
2 Peter 3:12  looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat?
2 Peter 3:13  Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.
2 Peter 3:14  Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless;
2 Peter 3:15  and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation…

Towards God we are to be diligent to maintain the peace He’s made with us.  Towards ourselves as it were, we are to be without spot and blameless.  Towards others, especially nonbelievers, we are to “consider” that God is “longsuffering” with them, not willing any should perish, but that all would come to Him to be saved.

It might interest you to see, in the next set of verses, that one thing will remain just as certain as it is today.  There will be taxes!

Ezekiel 45:13  “This is the offering which you shall offer: you shall give one-sixth of an ephah from a homer of wheat, and one-sixth of an ephah from a homer of barley.
Ezekiel 45:14  The ordinance concerning oil, the bath of oil, is one-tenth of a bath from a kor. A kor is a homer or ten baths, for ten baths are a homer.
Ezekiel 45:15  And one lamb shall be given from a flock of two hundred, from the rich pastures of Israel. These shall be for grain offerings, burnt offerings, and peace offerings, to make atonement for them,” says the Lord God.
Ezekiel 45:16  “All the people of the land shall give this offering for the prince in Israel.
Ezekiel 45:17  Then it shall be the prince’s part to give burnt offerings, grain offerings, and drink offerings, at the feasts, the New Moons, the Sabbaths, and at all the appointed seasons of the house of Israel. He shall prepare the sin offering, the grain offering, the burnt offering, and the peace offerings to make atonement for the house of Israel.”

The prescribed portion is to be proportionate to each individual’s wealth or lack of it.  They are each to give a 60th of their wheat and barley, one percent of their olive oil, and 1 sheep from every 200 of their flocks.

This is a tax that will be required of all the people for use by the prince in Israel.  As the people’s representative, he will collect their gifts and use them to maintain the Temple sacrifices, including burnt offerings, grain offerings, and drink offerings at the festivals, the New Moons, and the Sabbaths.

Ezekiel 45:18  ‘Thus says the Lord God: “In the first month, on the first day of the month, you shall take a young bull without blemish and cleanse the sanctuary.
Ezekiel 45:19  The priest shall take some of the blood of the sin offering and put it on the doorposts of the temple, on the four corners of the ledge of the altar, and on the gateposts of the gate of the inner court.
Ezekiel 45:20  And so you shall do on the seventh day of the month for everyone who has sinned unintentionally or in ignorance. Thus you shall make atonement for the temple.

Perfect conditions cannot affect the fact that human beings are born dead in trespasses and sins.  The sacrifice of animals in the Millennium will drive home the point that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus.

Ezekiel 45:21  “In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, you shall observe the Passover, a feast of seven days; unleavened bread shall be eaten.
Ezekiel 45:22  And on that day the prince shall prepare for himself and for all the people of the land a bull for a sin offering.
Ezekiel 45:23  On the seven days of the feast he shall prepare a burnt offering to the Lord, seven bulls and seven rams without blemish, daily for seven days, and a kid of the goats daily for a sin offering.
Ezekiel 45:24  And he shall prepare a grain offering of one ephah for each bull and one ephah for each ram, together with a hin of oil for each ephah.
Ezekiel 45:25  “In the seventh month, on the fifteenth day of the month, at the feast, he shall do likewise for seven days, according to the sin offering, the burnt offering, the grain offering, and the oil.”

The annual feasts of Passover and Unleavened Bread will last seven days, during which the people will eat bread made without yeast.  The prince will provide the sacrifices for that period.  The fact that the prince is to make a sin offering for himself shows that he is not Jesus Christ.

The third feast will begin in the seventh month on the 15th day.  This is the Festival of Tabernacles, also a seven-day celebration, the last feast in Israel’s yearly calendar.

There is no mention of the Feast of Pentecost, the Feast of Trumpets, or the Day of Atonement being observed in the Millennium.

One reason might be that those three feasts are unnecessary in the future.

Pentecost was fulfilled when the Holy Spirit was given to the church in the first century.  In Acts we read that the Day of Pentecost was filly come!
Trumpets will be fulfilled in the resurrection and rapture of the church when we hear the trumpet of God and are translated to Heaven!
Jesus has already provided the once-for-all atonement for sin.

The feasts that Ezekiel does mention speak of Israel’s unique relationship to God.

Passover and Unleavened Bread point Israel back to the death of Jesus Christ.
Tabernacles is all about their new position in the Millennial Kingdom on earth.

There is a trend among evangelicals to return to Judaism.  It sounds innocent enough.  Listen to this excerpt from the NY Times.

In a San Antonio chapel last August, after reciting their wedding vows and exchanging their rings, Sally and Mark Austin prepared to receive communion for the first time as husband and wife. Just before they did, their minister asked them to sign a document. It was a ketubah, a traditional Jewish marriage contract.

In so doing, the Austins are part of a growing phenomenon of non-Jews incorporating the ketubah, a document with millennia-old origins and a rich artistic history, into their weddings. Mrs. Austin, in fact, first learned about the ketubah from her older sister, also an evangelical Christian, who had been married five years earlier with not only a ketubah but the Judaic wedding canopy, the huppah.

“Embracing this Jewish tradition just brings a richness that we miss out on sometimes as Christians when we don’t know the history,” said Mrs. Austin, 29, a business manager for AT&T. “Jesus was Jewish, and we appreciate his culture, where he came from.”

In an opinion piece based on this trend, a British journalist stated, “evangelicals have become increasingly admiring of the sacramental richness of Judaism.”

Recently a small Calvary Chapel shut its doors because the pastor has embraced this new trend and is now observing the Sabbath and other things typically Jewish.

I’m with James and the Jerusalem council on this!  In the first century there were those who insisted a Gentile must convert to Judaism in order to be saved.  Here is what we read in Acts.

Acts 15:13  … James answered, saying, “Men and brethren, listen to me:
Acts 15:14  Simon has declared how God at the first visited the Gentiles to take out of them a people for His name.
Acts 15:15  And with this the words of the prophets agree, just as it is written:
Acts 15:18  “Known to God from eternity are all His works.
Acts 15:19  Therefore I judge that we should not trouble those from among the Gentiles who are turning to God,
Acts 15:20  but that we write to them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from things strangled, and from blood.
Acts 15:21  For Moses has had throughout many generations those who preach him in every city, being read in the synagogues every Sabbath.”

In other words, if you are a Gentile, you aren’t to pursue Judaism.  Just don’t do things to offend Jews.

We are not missing anything by enjoying freedom from rites and rituals, diets and days.  Don’t be misled back to the Law.

In My House, Where My Priests Serve, Where My Children Pray (Ezekiel 44v1-31)



We begin to get the order of service in the future Millennial Temple.

The very fact that there is an order of service and that the believers have certain assignments is itself instructive.  You see, whenever we get together, there is to be some order in our serving the Lord and serving one another.

In the New Testament era in which we live there is great freedom in determining order of service.  For example we are told regarding the frequency of the Lord’s Supper, or communion as we commonly call it, to celebrate it “as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup” (1Corinthians 11:26).  In other words the frequency is up to us.

Some celebrate weekly; others daily.  There’s a freedom about it.

We can choose style of worship, time of worship, place of worship… Just about everything is open to us, so long as it honors the Lord in His holiness.

It does not follow, however, that lack of order is spiritual.  There is to be order.  Our services must make sense.

Before God gives Ezekiel some ideas about order of service He introduces a mysterious character.

Ezekiel 44:1  Then He brought me back to the outer gate of the sanctuary which faces toward the east, but it was shut.
Ezekiel 44:2  And the Lord said to me, “This gate shall be shut; it shall not be opened, and no man shall enter by it, because the Lord God of Israel has entered by it; therefore it shall be shut.
Ezekiel 44:3  As for the prince, because he is the prince, he may sit in it to eat bread before the Lord; he shall enter by way of the vestibule of the gateway, and go out the same way.”

Once the Lord returns to the Temple through the east gate it will be sealed.   There is a popular idea that the current east gate in Jerusalem, also called the Golden Gate, is the gate described by Ezekiel.  It isn’t.  For one thing the dimensions of it are different.  More importantly we’ve seen from our studies that the Millennial Temple will not be in the exact spot the current Temple Mount occupies.

Who is this prince?  Let’s see first who it isn’t!  It isn’t the Lord for the following reasons:

In verse three it says that he “eats bread before the Lord.”  The phrasing clearly distinguishes him from the Lord.
In chapter forty-five we learn that this prince makes sin offerings for himself as well as the people.  There’s no way the Lord would offer a sacrifice for Himself!
In chapter forty-six we learn the prince has children.
In Ezekiel 48:22 we are told that this prince shall have a land allotment along with the Tribes of Israel.

Who is it?  I say it’s David!  Consider the following verses:

Hosea 3:5  Afterward the children of Israel shall return and seek the Lord their God and David their king. They shall fear the Lord and His goodness in the latter days.

Jeremiah 30:9  But they shall serve the Lord their God, And David their king, Whom I will raise up for them.

Ezekiel 34:23  I will establish one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them – My servant David. He shall feed them and be their shepherd.
Ezekiel 34:24  And I, the Lord, will be their God, and My servant David a prince among them; I, the Lord, have spoken.

Ezekiel 37:24  “David My servant shall be king over them, and they shall all have one shepherd; they shall also walk in My judgments and observe My statutes, and do them.
Ezekiel 37:25  Then they shall dwell in the land that I have given to Jacob My servant, where your fathers dwelt; and they shall dwell there, they, their children, and their children’s children, forever; and My servant David shall be their prince forever.

Thus it would seem that David will serve as a co-regent, a “prince,” in the administration of the Messiah.

Before Ezekiel begins to describe the service of the priests he is given an exhortation to deliver to his listeners in verses four through eight.

Ezekiel 44:4  Also He brought me by way of the north gate to the front of the temple; so I looked, and behold, the glory of the Lord filled the house of the Lord; and I fell on my face.
Ezekiel 44:5  And the Lord said to me, “Son of man, mark well, see with your eyes and hear with your ears, all that I say to you concerning all the ordinances of the house of the Lord and all its laws. Mark well who may enter the house and all who go out from the sanctuary.
Ezekiel 44:6  “Now say to the rebellious, to the house of Israel, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “O house of Israel, let Us have no more of all your abominations.
Ezekiel 44:7  When you brought in foreigners, uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised in flesh, to be in My sanctuary to defile it – My house – and when you offered My food, the fat and the blood, then they broke My covenant because of all your abominations.
Ezekiel 44:8  And you have not kept charge of My holy things, but you have set others to keep charge of My sanctuary for you.”

There a line in Godfather 2 that has found it’s way into pop-culture.  Michael Corleone is incensed that a rival has broken the gangster code by attacking him in his own home.  He exclaims, “IN MY HOME! IN MY BEDROOM! Where my wife sleeps… and my children play with their toys.”

Look at verse seven again where the Lord exclaims, “When you brought in foreigners, uncircumcised in heart and uncircumcised in flesh, to be in My sanctuary to defile it – My house…”

Today we are the ‘house’ of the Lord, both in our individual bodies and our corporate body when we gather.  What are we… What am I… bringing in to the house of the Lord?  It’s an important question especially in this age of grace when we keep moving old boundaries farther and farther.

Ezekiel 44:9  Thus says the Lord God: “No foreigner, uncircumcised in heart or uncircumcised in flesh, shall enter My sanctuary, including any foreigner who is among the children of Israel.

In case we were still wondering this verse puts us on notice that men will still be sinners needing salvation in the Millennium.  The heart of the problem, as Billy Graham used to say, is the problem of the heart.

It’s kind of mind-blowing, isn’t it, that Jesus Christ could be on the earth in His resurrected body and people still will reject His offer of salvation?

Verse nine forms a segue to verses ten through fourteen as we learn that God will restrict the duties of certain priests in the Millennial Temple.

Ezekiel 44:10  “And the Levites who went far from Me, when Israel went astray, who strayed away from Me after their idols, they shall bear their iniquity.
Ezekiel 44:11  Yet they shall be ministers in My sanctuary, as gatekeepers of the house and ministers of the house; they shall slay the burnt offering and the sacrifice for the people, and they shall stand before them to minister to them.
Ezekiel 44:12  Because they ministered to them before their idols and caused the house of Israel to fall into iniquity, therefore I have raised My hand in an oath against them,” says the Lord God, “that they shall bear their iniquity.
Ezekiel 44:13  And they shall not come near Me to minister to Me as priest, nor come near any of My holy things, nor into the Most Holy Place; but they shall bear their shame and their abominations which they have committed.
Ezekiel 44:14  Nevertheless I will make them keep charge of the temple, for all its work, and for all that has to be done in it.

We’ll see in a moment that only Levites descended from Zadok will be allowed to offer the sacrifices.  The Levites from the other families did not remain faithful but led the people into sin.

I think this has application to every New Testament believer in this sense: We are to do everything in our power to not offend, or stumble, another believer.  Yes, we have and enjoy great liberty in Jesus Christ.  But our love for our brothers and sisters in Christ supersedes our individual liberty.

In his discussion about meat sacrificed to idols, the apostle Paul said if you want to partake of a liberty that offends others, have it to yourself and to God.  Go out of your way to keep it to yourself.

Don’t become an evangelist for your liberty!  Seriously, some believers are more vocal about questionable behaviors than they are about the Gospel.  Instead of sharing Christ with nonbelievers they are sharing vices with believers.

Before we navigate away from these verses, note the precious nature of verse fourteen.  God in His mercy allows these guys to serve.  They may be disqualified from certain things, but not from everything.

In verses fifteen through twenty-seven we are given the overview of the ministry of the priests who descend from Zadok.

Ezekiel 44:15  “But the priests, the Levites, the sons of Zadok, who kept charge of My sanctuary when the children of Israel went astray from Me, they shall come near Me to minister to Me; and they shall stand before Me to offer to Me the fat and the blood,” says the Lord God.
Ezekiel 44:16  “They shall enter My sanctuary, and they shall come near My table to minister to Me, and they shall keep My charge.
Ezekiel 44:17  And it shall be, whenever they enter the gates of the inner court, that they shall put on linen garments; no wool shall come upon them while they minister within the gates of the inner court or within the house.
Ezekiel 44:18  They shall have linen turbans on their heads and linen trousers on their bodies; they shall not clothe themselves with anything that causes sweat.
Ezekiel 44:19  When they go out to the outer court, to the outer court to the people, they shall take off their garments in which they have ministered, leave them in the holy chambers, and put on other garments; and in their holy garments they shall not sanctify the people.
Ezekiel 44:20  “They shall neither shave their heads, nor let their hair grow long, but they shall keep their hair well trimmed.
Ezekiel 44:21  No priest shall drink wine when he enters the inner court.
Ezekiel 44:22  They shall not take as wife a widow or a divorced woman, but take virgins of the descendants of the house of Israel, or widows of priests.
Ezekiel 44:23  “And they shall teach My people the difference between the holy and the unholy, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean.
Ezekiel 44:24  In controversy they shall stand as judges, and judge it according to My judgments. They shall keep My laws and My statutes in all My appointed meetings, and they shall hallow My Sabbaths.
Ezekiel 44:25  “They shall not defile themselves by coming near a dead person. Only for father or mother, for son or daughter, for brother or unmarried sister may they defile themselves.
Ezekiel 44:26  After he is cleansed, they shall count seven days for him.
Ezekiel 44:27  And on the day that he goes to the sanctuary to minister in the sanctuary, he must offer his sin offering in the inner court,” says the Lord God.

In the days of David and Solomon Zadok and his boys remained loyal while others did not.  God promised that his descendants would be remembered in the future service of the Temple.

These priests have a high calling, a high privilege, and with it comes a higher standard.  They are to be separate, different, in their clothing, in their grooming, in their marriages, and in their drinking alcohol, among other things.

It isn’t that those practices make you more holy or more spiritual.  No, they communicate to others that you understand your high calling, your high privilege, to serve the Lord.

We often get this wrong in the church.  We think that the restrictions will cause us to be better Christians.  We shake our heads at monks, knowing that cloistering themselves away will not eliminate the desires of the flesh.  Then we adopt our own diet or dress, our own grooming and other habits, and think ourselves more spiritual.  It doesn’t work that way.

Having said that, it is still a high calling, a high privilege, to serve the Lord.  And not just as a minister or a missionary.  Here is what I mean.  In the New Testament there are standards for men who desire to serve the Lord as pastors and elders and deacons.  But those standards are really applicable to any Christian man who wants to serve the Lord anywhere in the church or in the world!

Read those passages in the pastoral epistles and you’ll see that every characteristic is something every Christian man ought to have.

Let me put it this way because I think some of you will relate to my experience.  Growing-up in the Roman Catholic tradition I understood that priests and nuns were super-saintly men and women who lived to serve God.  Everyone else was so obviously less spiritual that there were only a few basic standards to adhere to: Don’t kill anyone, don’t commit adultery, etc.  (Of course over time those have gotten relaxed!).

Almost imperceptibly I think that protestants have this same idea.  We think there is a huge gap between the minister, the missionary and the ‘normal’ believer.  They need to have certain standards but I don’t!

A minister (a pastor let’s call him) is a Christian with certain gifts.  So is a missionary.  Everyone who is not a minister or a missionary is a Christian with certain gifts!  Where is the gap?  It’s only in our way of thinking, which often leads us to relax our standards.

The Millennial priests won’t be drinking wine.  As much as I want to, I’m not going to get into a discussion about drinking tonight.  It’s OK to drink, never OK to be drunk.  No one has been able to tell me exactly where drinking becomes drunkenness.

Personally I consider alcohol a great evil.  Enough said.

The chapter closes with information about the portion for these priests.

Ezekiel 44:28  “It shall be, in regard to their inheritance, that I am their inheritance. You shall give them no possession in Israel, for I am their possession.
Ezekiel 44:29  They shall eat the grain offering, the sin offering, and the trespass offering; every dedicated thing in Israel shall be theirs.
Ezekiel 44:30  The best of all firstfruits of any kind, and every sacrifice of any kind from all your sacrifices, shall be the priest’s; also you shall give to the priest the first of your ground meal, to cause a blessing to rest on your house.
Ezekiel 44:31  The priests shall not eat anything, bird or beast, that died naturally or was torn by wild beasts.
No road kill for the priests!  The emphasis isn’t on the priests, however.  It’s on the offerer.  I think what is indicated is that when the Israelite thinks of bringing an offering, he or she should always bring the first, the best – not road kill!

Over the years I’ve seen a lot of ‘road kill’ given in the name of Jesus.  It’s one thing to donate some broken down appliance to charity when everyone knows full well that it is really junk.  It’s another thing to give something as if it were a real prized possession when, in fact, it’s really junk.

Giving God our best doesn’t mean we dress up in our ‘Sunday best’ for church.  It’s a heart issue.  It’s the desire of our heart to give God the first, the best of our treasure, of our time, and of our talent, because we love Him.

A few summary thoughts as we close.  Serving the Lord is a high calling and a high privilege for every believer and we are to serve Him in an orderly way and offer Him the first and the best of our treasure, talent and time.