Prophecy Update #504 – It IS Brain Surgery

The subject of prophecy takes-up about 30% of the Bible. It’s almost impossible to talk about it too much.

Scholars estimate there are somewhere around 500 unfulfilled last-days prophecies. Since we know they will be fulfilled, we should be able to look around us, in the news, and see trends in the direction the prophecies predict.

For example the Bible speaks of a future in which all business will be conducted by what is referred to as a “mark” in the forehead or on the hand. It is some sort of personal identifier – unique to each person – but tied into a global system.

You’d therefore expect the world to be trending in that direction.

It is. We regularly report on advances in, and the implementation of, human microchipping, electronic tattoos, palm-scanning, iris-scanning, finger-printing, and other technologies that seem to reflect a mark-of-the-beast potential.

The latest article I read along these lines was titled, SUPERHUMANS: Chips inserted in brains will give us MIND-BLOWING abilities within years.


… experts believe they are close to biohacking the body’s most powerful tool, according to a leading technology entrepreneur.

Speaking at Lisbon’s Web Summit, Bryan Johnson, the founder of Kernel – a start-up researching the possibilities of microchips being inserted on the brain – says unlocking the true potential of the mind is the “single greatest thing” humanity can achieve.
Kernel’s first step is to design chips that can help fight disease, but then it hopes to evolve the brain to offer superhuman abilities.

I’m not saying that a chip implanted in the brain fulfills the prophecy. I’m only pointing out that we are trending in the very direction the Bible predicted two thousand years ago.

We are not looking for any particular sign, or prophecy to be fulfilled. Jesus promised He’d return to rapture His church – which entails the resurrection of the dead in Christ of the Church Age, then the translation from earth to Heaven of all living believers.
It is presented in the Bible as an imminent event.

Are you ready for the rapture? If not, get ready, stay ready, and keep looking up. Ready or not, Jesus is coming!