Prophecy Update #390 – Big Red

We are now in our eighth year of presenting a Prophecy Update.  This is #390 in that series.

According to one resource, 25% of the verses in the Bible contain a prediction about the future.  Altogether, 737 forecasts are made, from those only mentioned once, to others mentioned hundreds of times.

Of these, 594 (or 80%) have already come true.  Since those that have not come true are all concerned with the end of the world, all that could have taken place has already done so, with 100% accuracy, giving us ample proof that the remaining prophecies will be literally fulfilled.

Knowing the end times prophecies, it is our belief that we can therefore identify trends in the world, and news, that would be expected in light of them.

One prediction the Bible makes is that there will be another Jewish Temple built on the original site in Jerusalem.

Both Daniel and Jesus spoke very plainly about a rebuilt Temple; and about an event that will take place in that Temple in the very middle of the future seven-year Tribulation.

You would expect, therefore, to find news and see trends towards the rebuilding of the Temple.  And we do.

There is something that will be needed in order for Jews to perform services in the Temple.  It is something exceedingly rare.  It is the ashes of a pure, red heifer, having no spot or blemish.

We reported to you a while back that, right here in the U.S., a possible red heifer had been born.  Well, it’s two years old, and that is significant.

Let me read the most recent article, from

A possible parah adumah, a full red heifer, is attracting attention across the Jewish world as the cow, located on a small farm outside of Lakewood, NJ, [has reached] its second birthday.

An extremely rare phenomenon, according to Jewish law, the cow would only become permissible for use after its second birthday, in which it will be fully inspected for any blemishes, included hairs that are not red.

A red heifer is necessary to make ash needed for the ritual purification process to carry out services in the Jewish Temple.

“Somebody from Brooklyn called and offered me one million dollars for her, but I told him that she’s not for sale.  This is a gift from (God),” owner Herbert Celler told the newspaper.

According to Celler, the cow was born on April 2, 2013 during Passover.  The farmer explained that he has been “extremely vigilant” in making sure that the cow does not engage in any work or sustaining any blemishes, which may disqualify the cow according to Jewish law.

According to Cellar, livestock breeders have ambitiously attempted to create red heifers via artificial means or genetic manipulation.  However, the red heifer’s red-brown eye color is one sign of the cow’s authenticity.

“Some rabbis from Israel are supposed to come check her out sometime soon.  This is a gift to the Jewish people.”

As we’d expect, the Bible is coming true right before our very eyes.

As exciting as it may be to see prophecy unfold, we don’t need to see anything happen, or be fulfilled, before Jesus can resurrect and rapture the church.  It is presented in the Bible as imminent.

Are you ready for the rapture?  If not, get ready, stay ready, and keep looking up.  Ready or not, Jesus is coming!