Prophecy Update #398 – Thar’s Gold In That Thar Hill!

We are now in our eighth year of presenting a Prophecy Update.  This is #398 in that series.

We talk a lot about prophecy because one quarter of the Bible is devoted to it.  One in every four verses is either a fulfilled prophecy, or a future one awaiting its fulfillment.

Eighty-percent of the Bible’s prophecies have already come true.  Those that have not come true are all concerned with what we commonly call the end times, or the last days.  They, too, must be fulfilled to the letter.

What do we mean by “Prophecy Update?”  It is our belief that we can identify trends in the world, and news, that would be expected in light of the unfulfilled prophecies.

We’re not saying that the things we report are the fulfillment of prophecies – only that they are what you’d expect to be happening in the light of what we know about the future.

We are certain that there will be a third Temple built in Jerusalem.  Daniel spoke of it; Jesus spoke of it; in the Revelation, you see it playing a prominent role during the seven year Tribulation.

You’d therefore expect major news about rebuilding the Temple.  And that’s just what was reported on June 15th by

The article was titled, Billions of Dollars of Gold Discovered Under Eilat Mountains to be Used to Rebuild Third Jewish Temple.


A treasure-trove of raw gold worth billions of dollars is believed to be sitting under Mount Eilat in southern Israel, Breaking Israel News has learned.

In an exclusive interview, Rabbi Yehuda Glick, the Executive Director of The Temple Mount Heritage Foundation in Jerusalem, revealed the news, which had been kept under wraps for the last several years.

Glick is perhaps best known for his life’s mission of assuring that the Temple Mount is accessible to all people from every religion who want to worship at the holy site.  His dedication to the Temple Mount resulted in an October 2014 assassination attempt on his life by a Palestinian terrorist.

Shot four times in the chest, Glick has made a miraculous recovery and continues his work to open the Temple Mount to prayer for all peoples.

Glick told Breaking Israel News that there are billions of dollars worth of gold in Mount Eilat, which he and his partner, Yehoshua Friedman, have received an exclusive license to unearth by the Israeli government.

Explaining the discovery, Glick said that everything began when [in] 2007 gold had been found in the mountains of Eilat by an Australian research team, who later abandoned the dig because the value of gold at the time was not worth their efforts.

Friedman and Glick, knowing the Biblical verses concerning gold in the Land of Israel, realized that this was a project which had to be pursued.

“Because of the extensive Biblical proof we presented about the exact location where the gold was to be found, we won the license to begin digging,” Glick told Breaking Israel News.

When asked what these modern day Biblical explorers plan to do with their billions in gold, Rabbi Glick replied, “Ultimately, we expect to use the gold in the rebuilding of the Third Temple.

“Whether we use the gold itself for creating vessels and decoration or by selling the findings and using the money to buy the materials and manpower needed to rebuild the Temple, we look forward to that great day!”


Add this to the fact the Temple Institute has recreated just about all that is needed for Temple service, and you’ve got prophecy potentially coming true before your very eyes.

We don’t expect, or need, to see anything happen, or to be fulfilled, before Jesus can resurrect and rapture the church.  It is presented in the Bible as imminent.

Are you ready for the rapture?  If not, get ready, stay ready, and keep looking up.  Ready or not, Jesus is coming!