We are now in our eighth year of presenting a Prophecy Update. This is #402 in that series.
We talk a lot about prophecy because one quarter of the Bible is devoted to it. One in every four verses is either a fulfilled prophecy, or a future one awaiting its fulfillment.
Eighty-percent of the Bible’s prophecies have already come true. Those that have not come true are all concerned with what we commonly call the end times, or the last days. They, too, must be fulfilled to the letter.
What do we mean by “Prophecy Update?” It is our belief that we can identify trends in the world, and news, that would be expected in light of the unfulfilled prophecies.
We’re not saying that the things we report are the fulfillment of prophecy – only that they are what you’d expect to be happening in the light of what we know about the future.
Something that is, most definitely, the fulfillment of many prophecies is the rebirth of the modern state of Israel. God said He would disperse His people all over the earth but that, in the last days, He would draw them back. And He has.
Zec 8:7 “Thus says the LORD of hosts: ‘Behold, I will save My people from the land of the east And from the land of the west;
Zec 8:8 I will bring them back, And they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. They shall be My people And I will be their God, In truth and righteousness.’
The Bible also predicted Israel, and Jerusalem in particular, would be a “cup of trembling,” causing the other nations of the world problems (Zechariah 12:2).
Eventually, all the nations of the world will be against Israel (Joel 3:2; Amos 9:9; Zechariah 14:2; Matthew 24:9).
Last week, in our Update, we discussed the historic nuclear deal that certain world powers made with Iran. The United Nations Security Council approved unanimously a resolution endorsing the final Iran nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The resolution will go into formal effect 90 days after its passage on July 20th.
Israel’s UN Ambassador Ron Prosor spoke to the press shortly after the fateful Security Council vote. He summed up the truth that few wanted to hear:
Today is a very sad day. Not only for the state of Israel, but for the entire world, even if at this moment, the international community refuses to see the tragedy.
Israel National News posted a story titled, Israel Was Never So Isolated.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said during a speech to his country’s parliament on Tuesday that Tehran’s nuclear deal with the P5+1 powers was a great defeat for Israel.
“Never before was the Zionist regime so isolated, even among her own allies,” he said.
This, he explained, is why Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is so furiously “shouting all over the place” and trying to stymie the agreement at any cost.
“With this agreement, the decades-long anti-Iran propaganda of the Zionist regime is finally neutralized,” said Zarif, who was Iran’s chief negotiator on the deal.
US Secretary of State John Kerry has acknowledged that Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s continued vows to defy the US are “very disturbing.”
On Saturday, Khamenei gave a particularly inflammatory speech just days after the deal, stating that the Islamic Republic’s policies toward the US have not changed.
“We will never stop supporting our friends in the region and the people of Palestine, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Bahrain and Lebanon,” he continued, referring to the Iranian terror axis in the Middle East. “Even after this deal our policy towards the arrogant US will not change.”
Listen to this chilling quote: “Less than a day after indicating in a Senate hearing that the Iran nuclear deal would have the US defend Iran from Israel, US Secretary of State John Kerry warned Israel on Friday that a unilateral strike on Iran’s covert nuclear program would be a huge mistake.”
Israel is becoming more-and-more isolated. Her allies grow fewer; her enemies are emboldened.
Headlines like these, and news like this, is exactly what you’d expect from reading Bible prophecy.
We don’t expect, or need, to see anything happen, or to be fulfilled, before Jesus can resurrect and rapture the church. It is presented in the Bible as imminent.
Are you ready for the rapture? If not, get ready, stay ready, and keep looking up. Ready or not, Jesus is coming!