Each week we present what we call a Prophecy Update. This is #415 in that series.
If you are a regular, you know that 80% of the almost 2500 prophecies in the Bible have been fulfilled to the letter. The remaining 20% must therefore also be fulfilled.
We ought to be able to identify trends in the world, and hard news items, that would be expected in the light of the yet-to-be-fulfilled prophecies.
For example, futurists who took Bible prophecy literally predicted that, in the last days, everyone would be identified, and transact all their daily business, using some sort of ‘mark’ on their hand or forehead. They arrived at that from a literal reading of the Revelation, which speaks of the mark of the antichrist, commonly called the Mark of the Beast.
It seemed ridiculous and impossible, until just recently. Now it seems inevitable.
You’re probably aware that the Bible indicates eventually Israel will stand alone, by herself, with no other nations as allies.
Since that is predicted, eventually the United States, always a strong ally of Israel, will also withdraw from supporting her.
It Might Be Today
“With Friends Like These…”
It seemed unlikely that our own nation would ever pull support from Israel, but more-and-more we are trending that way.
The latest evidence that the United States is no friend to Israel was reported by JewishPress.com. The article they posted was titled, US Spied on Israel, Prepared to Destroy Israeli Bombers to Protect Iran.
In an explosive report we learn that ever since 2012, the United States has been spying on Israel in order to prevent the Jewish State from attacking suspected Iranian nuclear sites, according to Friday’s Wall Street Journal.
The White House had sent an additional aircraft carrier to the region after learning that Israeli aircraft had flown into Iranian airspace in what U.S. officials feared was a test run for an attack on Iran’s Fordow plant. The carriers had attack aircraft on board prepared to respond to any Israeli attack on Iran.
Several U.S. officials also claimed that Israel wanted to strike Iran in 2012, and that the United States pressured Israeli officials into retreating.
The U.S. attempted to keep its nuclear power negotiations with Iran concealed from Israel because of disagreements over the extent to which Iran should be permitted to pursue a nuclear program. Israel took the position that because Iran has an abundance of energy resources, it had no peaceful purposes for its nuclear program.
http://www.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/report-us-spied-on-israel-prepared-to-destroy-israeli- bombers-to-protect-iran/2015/10/23/
It Might Be Today
“With Friends Like These…”
Earlier this year, the Bethlehem-based news agency Ma’an cited a Kuwaiti newspaper report that President Obama thwarted an Israeli military attack against Iran’s nuclear facilities in 2014 by threatening to shoot down Israeli jets before they could reach their targets in Iran.
Our relationship with Israel, as a nation, is not good. Ultimately, it will hurt us as a nation.
We may or may not be here to see exactly how it will hurt us. I know for sure we will be gone before the future seven-year Tribulation begins.
The Lord’s coming to resurrect the dead in Christ, and to rapture living believers, is imminent, pretribulational, and premillennial.
Are you ready for the rapture? If not, get ready, stay ready, and keep looking up. Ready or not, Jesus is coming!