Prophecy Update #419 – Get Out While The Gettin’s Good

Each week we present what we call a Prophecy Update.  This is #419 in that series.

If you are a regular, you know that 80% of the almost 2500 prophecies in the Bible have been fulfilled to the letter.  The remaining 20% must therefore be fulfilled.

We ought to be able to identify trends in the world, and hard news items, that would be expected in the light of the yet-to-be-fulfilled prophecies.

For example, the rebirth of the modern nation of Israel, in her ancient land, is a miraculous fulfillment of several prophecies.

Also prophesied is that Jews will be drawn back to Israel from all over the world.

Europe, and Belgium in particular, is seeing a massive exodus of Jews, many returning to Israel.

An article posted by Israel National News was titled, No Future for Jews in Europe.


The Islamic State (ISIS) attacks in Paris have proven not only to be a wake-up call for the French, but also for Belgian Jewry, Brussels Chief Rabbi Avraham Guigui stated Monday.

“There is fear in the streets,” Guigui said, in an interview with Israel’s 103FM radio. “Belgians realize that they are targets of terrorism.”

“Jews are praying at home. Some of them are planning to leave,” he noted. “On Shabbat they closed the synagogues in the city; that has not been seen since World War II. People are praying alone, or setting up small congregations in private homes.”

“Schools are closed, the cinemas are closed, the big stores are closed for the most part, public events are not being held,” he added. “We live in fear and wait for the police or the government to update us on the situation.”

There’s fifty thousand Jews in Belgium,” he continued. “Twenty-five thousand in Brussels, eighteen thousand in Antwerp and the rest in Charleroi and other places.”

Most Belgian Jews are fleeing to Israel, Canada, and America.

“People realize there is no future for Jews in Europe,” he lamented.”

The Bible predicted Jews would return to a reborn Israel from where they were scattered all over the earth… And Jews are returning to Israel.

While we see the signs, we are not waiting for anything to happen before the Lord comes to resurrect the dead in Christ, and to rapture living believers.  That event is imminent, pretribulational, and premillennial.

Are you ready for the rapture?  If not, get ready, stay ready, and keep looking up.  Ready or not, Jesus is coming!