Prophecy Update #421 – Tatt Will Be The Day

Each week we present what we call a Prophecy Update.  This is #421 in that series.

Unique among all books ever written, the Bible accurately foretells specific events – in detail – many years, sometimes even centuries, before they occur.

Approximately 2500 prophecies appear in the pages of the Bible, about 2000, or 80%, of which already have been fulfilled to the letter with no errors.

Since the probability for any one of these prophecies having been fulfilled by chance averages less than one in ten (figured very conservatively), and since the prophecies are for the most part independent of one another, the odds for all these prophecies having been fulfilled by chance without error is less than one in 10 to the 2000th power.

That is 1 with 2000 zeros written after it.

Something like 500 prophecies remain to be fulfilled.  We ought to be able to identify trends in the world, and hard news items, that would be expected in the light of the yet-to-be-fulfilled prophecies.

Everyone has some awareness of what the Bible calls the mark of the beast.

Prophesied in the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the mark is some sort of personal identifier, either in you or on you, by which all your daily interactions and transactions will be carried out.

The beast is a reference to a powerful world leader, better known as the antichrist.  During the future seven-year Tribulation on the earth, he will demand that everyone swear allegiance to him,  If they do not, they will be cut-off from transacting any business.

Once considered the height of fantasy, today there exist any number of technologies that could become the mark of the beast.

Chaotic Moon is the name of a pioneering tech firm.  A recent article on TechCrunch was titled, Chaotic Moon Explores Biometric Tattoos For Medicine And The Military.


The future of wearables could be inked on your skin. Chaotic Moon, a software design and development firm based in Austin, Texas, is developing a high-tech tattoo made of components and conductive paint to create circuitry to basically turn you into a cyborg to collect health and other biometric data from your body.

[CEO Ben] Lamm told TechCrunch. “The future of wearables is biowearables.”

Some of the attraction for military use could include the tech tatts potentially detecting poisons in the air, pathogens in a soldier’s body, or identifying when they are hurt or stressed.

He also mentioned using the tattoos for location-tracking during concerts or for keeping track of your kid at an amusement park.

“It’s an eco-friendly, non-invasive use of a platform that basically turns you into a human circuit board.”

“We’re looking at this as a human circuit board and the human body as a platform that we can build on top of,” Lamm said.

Another article was titled, The Future of Banking [Is] Biometrics.


The evolution towards biometric alternatives and away from card readers, PIN pads, touch screens, passwords and the like is accelerating fast, changing the face of banking transactions and “heralding a new era of banking.”

NBC news recently reported that Citigroup is, for instance, testing an automated teller machine (ATM) made by Canton, Ohio-based Diebold.  The ATM relies on your smartphone and an eye scan to dispense your cash.

Or perhaps it would be your finger veins that allow your bank account access.  In mid-2014 Japanese technology company Hitachi and Polish banking services provider ITcard S.A. installed their biometric ‘Finger Vein’ technology across Poland.

In Sweden, customers signed up to make payments with a simple swipe of their hand.  The vein-scanning terminals were installed in 15 shops and restaurants for this purpose.

In May of this year… the world’s first facial recognition ATM [was] unveiled in China.  The ATM will not allow users to withdraw cash unless their face matches their IDs.

On the Island of Patmos, some two thousand years ago, the apostle John saw biometric technology in the future.  That future is here.

While we see the signs, we are not waiting for anything to happen before the Lord comes to resurrect the dead in Christ, and to rapture living believers.  That event is imminent, pretribulational, and premillennial.

Are you ready for the rapture?  If not, get ready, stay ready, and keep looking up.  Ready or not, Jesus is coming!