Prophecy Update #434 – Priests Wanted

Each week we present what we call a Prophecy Update.  This is #434 in that series.

The Bible accurately foretells specific events – in precise detail – sometimes even centuries before they occur.

Approximately 2500 prophecies appear in the pages of the Bible.  About 2000, or 80%, have already been fulfilled to the letter, with no errors.

Because we know that the remaining 500 or so prophecies will definitely be fulfilled, we look for news, and trends, that you’d expect to be taking place.

You might call them the signs of the times.

Twenty-five hundred years ago, the prophet Daniel let us know that, during the future seven-year Tribulation on the earth, there would be a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.  Jesus, in His Olivet Discourse, confirmed Daniel’s prophecy.

There is not a Temple in Jerusalem, but, since there will be one, we’d expect to see a trend toward its rebuilding… And we do.

Recent Temple-news was reported in an article titled, Priests Wanted for Third Temple.


An Israeli institute dedicated to building the Third Temple in Judaism’s history is seeking males ritually pure enough to carry out Torah-based commandments that haven’t been performed in nearly 2000 years.

Earlier this week, the Temple Institute announced a search for a select group of male kohanim, members of the Jewish priestly class, qualified to perform animal sacrifices, including the slaying and burning of a red heifer.

The institute’s leaders believe a third Temple cannot be built until there are priests ritually pure enough to maintain it; hence the call for the reinstatement of ritually pure kohanim.

Candidates must have been born in Israel and be able to prove their priestly lineage.  In keeping with ritual purity guidelines spelled out in the Hebrew Bible, these candidates must also have exercised “extreme caution” to avoid exposure to corpses.

Kohanim born in hospitals, or who have visited hospitals or cemeteries, will almost certainly be ineligible, said Rabbi Chaim Richman, international director of the Temple Institute.

“All Jewish males who are descended from Aaron are obligated to serve in the Holy Temple” once it is built, Richman said.

Another news source said,

The Temple Institute has initiated the second stage towards building the Temple: compiling a list of Jewish priests who will be eligible to prepare the red heifer and serve in the Temple…

Once the Temple Institute has compiled a list of candidates with verified eligibility, it will begin to train them in the complex preparation of the ashes of the red heifer. The training will take place at the Nezer Hakodesh, an institute established three years ago to educate priests in the details of the Temple service.  

“This is a huge jump for the Temple Institute and a huge leap for the Jewish people. For the first time in 2,000 years, after miraculously returning to the Land of Israel, we are beginning the process of reinstating the Biblical purity of the Jewish priesthood,” Rabbi Chaim Richman said.

From reading the Bible’s unfulfilled prophecies, you’d expect there would be efforts underway to rebuild the Temple, and to establish its rituals.  When you look at the news, you see exactly what you’d expect.

You know what else you can expect?  The church will not be on the earth for any portion of the Tribulation.  Jesus promised He’d come for us before that terrible time.  He will come and resurrect the dead believers, than snatch-away those who are alive.  We call this the Rapture of the church.  It is imminent – meaning it could happen any moment.

Are you ready for the rapture?  If not, get ready, stay ready, and keep looking up.  Ready or not, Jesus is coming!