The Bible accurately foretells specific events – in precise detail – sometimes even centuries before they occur.
Approximately 2500 prophecies appear in the pages of the Bible. About 2000, or 80%, have already been fulfilled to the letter, with no errors.
Because we know that the remaining 500 or so prophecies will definitely be fulfilled, we look for news, and trends, that you’d expect to be taking place.
You might call them the signs of the times.
A third Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, built on the site of the previous two Temples, plays a prominent role in End Times prophecy.
As we will see in our Bible study today, both Daniel and Jesus understood that there would be another Temple. Therefore, you’d expect there to be news about the Temple; and there always is.
You may have seen the tragic story of a terrorist stabbing to death a thirteen year old Jewish girl while she slept. Here is part of a news account:
A 13-year-old girl was killed by a Palestinian terrorist who infiltrated the Judean community of Kiryat Arba, located outside of Hebron, and attacked her in her home with a knife. While she was at first listed in critical condition, she was reported to have died of her wounds soon after the attack.
The terrorist, reported to be a 17-year-old Palestinian resident of the Arab village of Bani Na’im, broke into the closed community by breaching its fence. He entered a home nearby the fence, found the teenage girl sleeping in her bed and stabbed her repeatedly in the upper body before Kiryat Arba’s security team arrived.
Why target this girl, in this family? The mother of the slain girl gave her perspective, in an article titled, Family of Slain Teen Calls for Unprecedented Mass Jewish Ascension to Temple Mount.
The stabbing that killed 13-year-old Hallel Ariel last week has led the young teenager’s family to take that horror and turn it into a message of hope and holiness centered around the Temple Mount. In a controversial call for Jews to ascend to the Temple Mount next Tuesday [July 12], her parents hope to counter the terror that killed their daughter.
Visitors who came to console Rina Ariel on Sunday expected to see a woman overcome with the most powerful grief a mother could experience. Instead, they were greeted with a moving message of hope.
“By coming here, by living here, we are showing that we will win,” the grieving mother told visitors. “I am married to a kohen (priest). I am the daughter of a kohen. The way we continue, is to show that if we go up to the Temple Mount and work hard to build the Temple, our own houses will not be destroyed,” said Hallel’s mother.
Hallel longed for the redemption,” Rina said. “From an early age she ascended the Temple Mount. When we build the Holy Temple and it serves as a light to the nations, there will be no more murder.”
Yael Kabillo, Hallel’s aunt, is the chairperson for Women of the Holy Temple. From the first day of the mourning period, the two women began planning a mass ascension to the Temple Mount in honor of Hallel.
“The terrorist stabbed a young Jewish girl deep in her heart,” Kabillo told Breaking Israel News. “We have to awaken our hearts to the heart of our nation, which has always been Temple Mount.”
The third Temple might be something we are curious about, but in Israel, it is life and death. It is exactly what you’d expect, and predict, from reading the Bible.
While we look for signs of the times, there is one event that has no sign. It is presented as being imminent – meaning, it could occur at any moment.
Jesus will come and resurrect the dead believers, than snatch-away those who are alive. We call this the Rapture of the church.
Are you ready for the rapture? If not, get ready, stay ready, and keep looking up. Ready or not, Jesus is coming!