Prophecy Update #457 – Let’s Face It

Every Sunday we present a prophecy update.  We show how news and trends in the world corroborate centuries-old prophecies you read in the Bible.

Fully 80% of the Bible’s approximately 2500 prophecies have been fulfilled to the letter.  The prime example I would give, in modern times, is the miraculous rebirth of Israel as a nation in her ancient homeland.

The remaining 20% of yet-to-be fulfilled prophecies have to do with the Last Days in which we are living.  Some of them have to do with a system of commerce that requires every citizen to have some type of personal identifier on them or in them.  Without this “mark,” a person will be unable to buy or sell anything.

We don’t know what the final form of this “mark” will be, but we find it more than interesting that the technology exits to implement a system like this right now.

In fact, there are several things in development, and in use, that seem like they could become this “mark.”  We’ve reported on embedded RFID chips, on palm scanning, and on electronic skin patches, just to name a few.

Another one is facial recognition.  Thus I found it fascinating that a recent web article was titled, Study [Finds] 1 in 2 American Adults Already In Facial Recognition Network.

Half of all American adults are already in some sort of facial recognition network accessible to law enforcement, according to a comprehensive new study.

That so many American adults are in at least one facial recognition database is largely due to the fact that at least 26 states, and likely more, share their Department of Motor Vehicles databases with the FBI, state police, or other law enforcement agencies, the study found.  Compounded with that, police often have access to mugshot databases.  [The] study found that most law enforcement agencies don’t purge such records, even if the arrested suspect is found not guilty, unless a court orders it.

The report also found that more than one in four law enforcement agencies have access to some sort of facial recognition capability, meaning either that the agency possesses such software or it has some sort of partnership with a police intelligence agency that does.  The West Virginia Fusion Center, for example, a Charleston-based coalition of federal and local law enforcement, possesses software that matches individuals in video footage with a database of still photographs.  Not only does it share information with the FBI, West Virginia State Police, and city and county departments, it may grant access to 77 other fusion centers across the country.

A big part of the Last Days commerce system predicted in the Bible is that it will be cashless.  We are definitely heading there, too. recently reported Apple’s Next Goal Is Killing Paper Money Once and For All.

They said,

Apple CEO Tim Cook has an idea for the future – eliminating cash.

Apple Pay could be the “catalyst” that ultimately gets the world to switch from cash to digital payments, he told the Japanese news service Nikkei in an interview published on Monday.

“We would like to be a catalyst for taking cash out of the system,” Cook said. “We don’t think the consumer particularly likes cash.”

Read the Bible and you see a prediction of a mark by which all business will be transacted, without the need for cash.

Read the news and you see the trend towards technology that will fulfill the prophecies.

In the future seven-year Tribulation, that you read about in the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, everyone participating in society will be forced to swear allegiance to the Antichrist or be cut-off from all commerce.  The “mark” will be “the mark of the beast.”

We will not be on the earth for any portion of those seven years.  Jesus promised to come and get us; to raise the dead in Christ, and to rapture living believers.

It is presented in the Bible as an imminent event.

Are you ready for the rapture?  If not, get ready, stay ready, and keep looking up.  Ready or not, Jesus is coming!