Prophecy Update #483 – Training Day

If these are the last days, and if the Bible is to be taken at its word, then you’d expect there to be news about technology that anticipates the time when everyone will be identified, and conduct their daily business, via a ‘mark,’ either in them, or on them.

Some version of a personal identifier was predicted by the apostle John when he talked about the infamous “Mark of the Beast,” by which the future antichrist will control his subjects.

The title of a recent article was, Would you get your travel card implanted into your HAND? Swedish commuters raise concerns over security and privacy by using microchips to pay for their journey.


The days of having to remember to grab your travel card on your way out of the house could soon be a thing of the past.

SJ Rail, a Swedish rail operator, claims that up to 100 of its customers are embedding microchip implants into their hands to pay for their journey.
SJ Rail is not offering to microchip people itself, and passengers wanting to use the service must already have the futuristic technology.

Mircrochip implants are not new in Sweden, and an estimated 20,000 people already have them, using the devices to swipe in and out of the office, and even pay for food.

Stories like these are exciting, but we are not looking for any particular prophecy to be fulfilled.

Jesus promised He’d return to rapture His church – which entails the resurrection of the dead in Christ of the Church Age, then the translation from earth to Heaven of all living believers.

There are no prophecies needing to be fulfilled prior to the rapture. It is presented in the Bible as an imminent event.

The apostle Paul when he was teaching on the rapture, included himself as thinking it could happen any moment when he said, “we which are alive and remain.”

Are you ready for the rapture? If not, get ready, stay ready, and keep looking up. Ready or not, Jesus is coming!