Prophecy Update #510 – Bio Me

The apostle Paul encourages us that, “Another reason for right living is that you know how late it is; time is running out. Wake up, for the coming of our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed” (Romans 13:11 NLT).

The subject of prophecy takes-up about 30% of the Bible. Scholars estimate there are somewhere around 500 unfulfilled last-days prophecies. Since we know they will be fulfilled, we should be able to look around us, in the news, and see trends in the direction the prophecies predict.

By far the most well-known of the last days prophecies is what is commonly called “the mark of the beast.”

“Beast’ is one of many names for the world leader most commonly called the antichrist.
His “mark” refers to a time in the future Great Tribulation when he will demand everyone swear allegiance to him or be persecuted.

He will be able to carry-out his threat because everyone will be conducting business by something on or in their hand or forehead. Everyone will be identified, and transact all their business, by a personal and unique identifier.

It sounds a great deal like what we call biometrics today:

“On their right hand” could be fingerprint or palm print biometrics.

“On their foreheads” could be facial recognition or iris biometrics.

Invasive biometrics is a reality right now in China. It was reported by Human Rights Watch (HRW) in December that authorities in China’s Xinjiang region are gathering DNA samples, fingerprints, iris scans and blood types from all residents between ages 12 and 65. Some of the data is being collected under a program “Physicals for All,” which provides free annual medical examinations.

The program appears to have begun in mid-2017, with the stated goals of alleviating poverty and providing social services. HRW says, however, the blood type data and sampled for DNA collection are sent to the police.

A follow-up article confirms the more sinister intent. The article is titled, Chinese government uses facial recognition to alert authorities to individual’s movements.


The Chinese government has begun using facial recognition to alert authorities when specified individuals in Xinjiang leave “safe areas” designated for them.

The alerts are triggered when individuals travel more than 1000 yards beyond an area made up of their homes and workplaces.

Xinjiang, which is home to a minority population of roughly 10 million Muslims, has been the initial site of many surveillance programs involving biometrics, and where police are reported to have biometric collection quotas.

Facial scans are necessary in the region for people to shop in markets, buy fuel, or enter certain public areas, according to Bloomberg.

Wow. It sounds like something right out of the Bible. A population who must participate in biometric identity to make everyday purchases, and whose movements are then carefully monitored by a hostile government.

Here on US soil,  Rep. Bob Goodlatte [R-VA] introduced H.R.4760 – the Securing America’s Future Act of 2018 – described as a “sweeping bill that entails everything from Education and the Workforce to Homeland Security to the military.” 

According to one source, “tucked away in this 400-page behemoth of a bill are the details of a new biometric National ID card that could soon be required for everyone.”

Good thing we won’t be here for the future Tribulation. Jesus promised He’d return to rapture His church – which entails the resurrection of the dead in Christ of the Church Age, then the translation from earth to Heaven of all living believers.
It is presented in the Bible as an imminent event.

Are you ready for the rapture? If not, get ready, stay ready, and keep looking up. Ready or not, Jesus is coming!