Prophecy Update #517 – Planet Of The Apemen

If Hollywood is any measure, people are fascinated with the topic of the apocalypse. On both the big and small screen, a dystopian future peaks our curiosity.

The apocalypse is something we, as Christians, have a great deal of information about. In fact, I’d say we’re the experts:

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, the last book of the Bible, describes the future of earth in great detail. The word “revelation” in that title is apocalypse. The word apocalypse has been hijacked by the world to mean catastrophe. In fact, apocalypse means a revealing, or an unveiling. It is the unveiling of Jesus Christ as He prepares the earth for His Second Coming.

Including the Revelation, the Bible is 30% prophecy. Some 2000 have already been fulfilled, with about 500 prophecies remaining to be fulfilled. The remaining prophecies tell us exactly what the future holds. We can expect things in the world to be trending towards the fulfillment of prophecy.

That’s why just about every Sunday for the past ten years we have set aside five-minutes to present what we call a ‘prophecy update.’

In His teaching about the future, Jesus said that the end times would be “as in the days of Noah.”

He said,

Mat 24:38 For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,

The passage in the Book of Genesis that Jesus was referencing is the opening verses of chapter six. There was a very peculiar type of “marrying” going on. Fallen angels were marrying and mating with human females.

Their offspring were called Nephilim. They are described throughout the Old Testament as giants – twelve to sixteen feet tall.

These weren’t just taller men; they were genetically altered hybrids. Extra-biblical literature from the Old Testament era describes them as brutal cannibals.

Somehow the fallen angels, in mating with humans, were altering the DNA of the human race. Preserving our human DNA was a major reason God brought the flood – saving 8 souls to repopulate the planet.

You’d therefore expect the End Times to feature genetic tampering.

I just read an article titled, The Push to Make Human-Chimp Hybrids.


Psychologist David Barash proposes that society should sanction the making of human-chimp hybrids. He refers to this new creature as a “humanzee” and says that “making it would be a terrific idea.”
Barash recognizes some of the scientific challenges to making a humanzee but claims that it is “by no means impossible or even unlikely that a hybrid or a chimera combining a human being and a chimpanzee could be produced in a laboratory. After all, human and chimp… share, by most estimates, roughly 99 percent of their nuclear DNA.”

A humanzee is still speculation, but chimeras are not. A 2016 Time Magazine article stated:

Nearly a year ago, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) decided to stop funding research in a promising area of stem cell science. Scientists eager to find new ways to generate desperately needed human organs or tissues to replace damaged or diseased ones have been excited by the possibility of inserting a specific type of human stem cell, which has the potential to turn into any type of tissue, into animals, where they could develop and eventually be transplanted into humans.

The process creates human-animal chimeras, similar to those highlighted in science fiction, where humans take on animal-like features and animals take on human characteristics.

The NIH decided to stop funding such research over concerns about the unpredictable consequences and ethically unresolved questions that such chimeras raise.

But the agency now says that it will lift the ban…

Jesus said the last days would be like the days of Noah when DNA was being manipulated to create human hybrids.

It’s exactly what you’d expect from reading the Bible.

We are not looking for any particular sign, or prophecy to be fulfilled. Jesus promised He’d return to rapture His church – which entails the resurrection of the dead in Christ of the Church Age, then the translation from earth to Heaven of all living believers.
It is presented in the Bible as an imminent event.

Are you ready for the rapture? If not, get ready, stay ready, and keep looking up. Ready or not, Jesus is coming!