Prophecy Update #599 – Innovations

We focus on Bible prophecy each week for about five-minutes, calling it a “Prophecy Update.”

The Bible is about 30% prophecy. There are approximately 500 prophecies awaiting literal fulfillment. We contend that, since we are living in the Last Days, trends in the world should be predictable based on what the Bible says is going to happen.

Many of the unfulfilled prophecies have to do with the future seven-year Great Tribulation. In the middle of those years, the world leader we most commonly call the antichrist will assume complete control over his citizens. No one will be able to buy or sell, or conduct any business, without swearing allegiance to him. It will be a terrifying authoritarian government.

Thus we would expect a growing trend towards invasive methods of identifying and tracking people. And that is exactly what we see.

One article I read was titled, “Innovation Checkpoint”: TSA tests new security technology.


The TSA’s newest technology, in an area of Terminal 3 at McCarran International Airport, is being tested together for first time with real passengers.  They call it their “Innovation Checkpoint.”

As passengers approach the innovation checkpoint, they’ll see dynamic message boards. Next, new ID readers scan your license to quickly validate your identity and confirm you’re flying that day, without needing to show officers your boarding pass

From there, carry-on bags go to a CT scanner.  Electronics can stay in, and eventually the goal is liquids will, too. 

The new scanners can more easily see through all the clutter in bags.

While it’s not quite the scanner from “Total Recall,” science fiction is coming alive with new walk-by body scanners.

They display a generic male or female form and flag an area of the body where there may be a concern. The technology is also better at spotting non-metallic threats that a metal detector might miss.

TSA may also look to expand its use of facial recognition technology in the next few years.

In Seattle, the Amazon Go store relies on cameras and sensors to track what shoppers remove from the shelves, and what they put back. Cash registers and checkout lines become superfluous: customers are billed after leaving using a credit card on file. To start shopping, customers must scan an Amazon Go smartphone app and pass through a gated turnstile.

Without much imagination, you can see how scanners like this could be placed almost anywhere. We’re not too far from Total Recall.

And retailers like Amazon could implement systems that force you to participate electronically.

It is as expected from reading your Bible.

Jesus promised He’d return to rapture His church – which entails the resurrection of the dead in Christ of the Church Age, then the translation from earth to Heaven of all living believers.

It is presented in the Bible as an imminent (any-moment) event.

Are you ready for the rapture? If not, get ready, stay ready, and keep looking up. Ready or not, Jesus is coming!