Prophecy Update #616 – You’re So Vein

We reserve a few minutes Sunday morning to suggest news, or trends, that seem to be predicted by a literal, futurist reading of the Bible. We anticipate that the remaining 500 or so end times prophecies will become history just as every previous prophecy.

We are careful to use recognized, reliable sources for news. There is a lot of sensationalism surrounding unfulfilled Bible prophecy, and we don’t want to add to it.

We’re not saying the things we report are the definite fulfillment of prophecy – only that they are the things you’d expect by holding a Bible in one hand, and a newspaper in the other.

By far, the most well-known prediction for the future is the Mark of the Beast. What, exactly, is the Mark of the Beast?

The Beast is one of the names used to identify and describe the world leader most commonly called the antichrist. The Revelation of Jesus Christ tells us that, in the future Great Tribulation, everyone will participate in a socioeconomic system by which all identification, and all business, will be conducted by something in or on their hand or head. The Beast will suddenly demand allegiance from everyone, and whoever will not pinch incense to him, so to speak, will be cut-off from buying or selling.

This swearing of allegiance, or some say worship, is the Mark – not the underlying mechanism.

Today we would say that the underlying mechanism is some form of biometrics. We are now able to utilize hand or head in a variety of ways to I’d ourselves, or to conduct business.

The most recent article I read on this was titled, Is palm vein recognition the future of biometrics in the new normal?


COVID-19 has taken a dramatic toll on the global economy. As governments are struggling to contain the virus and businesses are working on strategies to reopen, user behavior is also going through groundbreaking changes. The global health crisis is influencing people’s attitude toward interaction with touch-based solutions, making it imperative for companies to first consider user safety throughout enrollment and authentication by implementing advanced biometric technologies, Redrock Biometrics’ Lenny Kontsevich [kont say vich] told Biometric Update in an interview.

“I feel myself quite uncomfortable touching the touchpad panel in a store” he said.

“COVID-19 will make people more open to switching to advanced biometric authentication for both enhanced security and safety measures, according to Kontsevitch. As palm images are nearly impossible to take without user consent, he is certain palm vein biometrics, as well as other relatively private body parts, are “really the future of biometrics.”

We’re not saying that palm vein biometrics will definitely emerge as the tech behind the Mark of the Beast. But if this were the Great Tribulation, a biometric mechanism like that sounds like what the Bible predicted over two-thousand years ago.

We believe the resurrection and rapture of the church is imminent. It could happen any moment; nothing needs to happen before it.

Jesus will come, in the clouds, and raise the dead believers of the Church Age. He will transform the bodies of living believers to glorified, resurrection bodies. We will join Him in Heaven while the earth endures one final seven-year campaign of severe evangelism.

Are you ready for the rapture? If not, Get ready; Stay ready; Keep looking up.

Ready or not, Jesus is coming!