We focus on Bible prophecy each week, calling it a “Prophecy Update.”
We are considered futurists. We interpret the unfulfilled prophetic portions of the Book of the Revelation and the Book of Daniel, and all other unfulfilled prophecies, as future events in a literal, physical, apocalyptic, and global context.
All indicators in the Book of the Revelation suggest there will be a global, cashless economy leading up to and during the seven-year Great Tribulation.
You would expect the governments of the world to be trending that way…And they are.
forbes.com posted an article titled, China’s Digital Currency Is About To Disrupt Money
A lengthy article in The Wall Street Journal titled, China creates its own digital currency, a first for major economy, outlines the likely impact of Beijing’s initiative and the strategic possibilities it offers in terms of avoiding US blockades of its companies, how this will boost its role in international transactions, while allowing it to monitor its economy in real time.
The system offers the Chinese government total control over transactions.
The short and medium-term future is more than clear: we can prepare for a scenario with digital dollars and euros sooner rather than later. More than 60 countries have initiated moves to study the issuance of such currencies.
We now face a situation many thought impossible: the disruption of money. The repercussions will be huge.
Another article reported:
To date, countries that have issued their own cryptocurrencies include Ecuador, China, Senegal, Singapore, Tunisia, though these countries will not be standing alone for long with Estonia, Japan, Palestine, Russia and Sweden looking to launch their own national cryptocurrencies. Some of these countries are likely to take it a step further and replace paper tender altogether with China being one nation that is looking to take one step beyond a virtual and paper version.
Cashless, digital economies are what we expected would emerge…And here they come.
We believe the resurrection and rapture of the church are imminent. It could happen any moment; nothing needs to happen before it. It will happen before the Great Tribulation.
Jesus will return in the clouds.
He will raise the dead in Christ.
He will transform the bodies of living believers to glorified, resurrection bodies.
We will all join Him in Heaven while the earth endures one final seven-year campaign of severe evangelism.
Are you ready for the rapture? If not, Get ready; Stay ready; Keep looking up.
Ready or not, Jesus is coming!