Prophecy Update #716 – Green Trifecta

The only way to make sense of what is happening around the world today is to know what is going to happen tomorrow. God has seen fit to tell us a great many things about the future. There are hundreds of yet-to-be fulfilled prophecies in the Bible.

We reserve a few minutes Sunday morning to suggest news, or trends, that seem to be predicted by a literal, futurist reading of the Bible.

To avoid sensationalism, we are careful to use recognized, reliable sources for news.

We’re not saying the things we report are the definite fulfillment of prophecy. We’re saying that they are the things you’d expect to be happening in the build-up to the future seven year Great Tribulation.

Students of Bible prophecy have long argued that the government of the Great Tribulation will be some sort of global union, eventually controlled by the antichrist.

Global government means that all the nations of the world must surrender their sovereignty to a collective group of leaders. It isn’t such a crazy idea anymore. It’s happening.

We’ve talked about the World Economic Forum (WEF) many times. It is a group of by-invitation-only elitists who are pressing global governing of the planet.

On their website you can read for yourself, ‘My Carbon’: An approach for inclusive and sustainable cities. The article highlights three developments over the last five years.

✏ One development is what is the Fourth Industrial Revolution. They write, “Advances in emerging technologies like AI, can enable tracking personal carbon emissions, raise awareness and also provide individual advisories on lower carbon and ethical choices for consumption of product and services. There have been major advances in smart home technologies, transport choices with carbon implications, the roll-out of smart meters in providing individual choices to reduce their energy-related emissions, the development of new personalized apps to account for personal emissions, and better personal choices for food and consumption-related emissions.

What they just said is that the technology exists to track your personal carbon emissions with the goal of reducing them. Do you think for a minute that if they have the ability to do so, they would not force you to reduce your carbon footprint? Perhaps by controlling what you can buy and sell based on their tracking?

✏ The second development they present is raised awareness about the climate crisis. “Over 64% of people believe climate change is a global emergency. A new Pew Research Center survey in seventeen advanced economies found widespread concern about the personal impact of global climate change. 80% of citizens say they are willing to change how they live and work to combat the effects of climate change.

Young adults, who have been at the forefront of some of the most prominent climate change protests in recent years, are more concerned than their older counterparts about the personal impact of a warming planet in many public surveys.

What they just said is that the younger generation is convinced that Climate Change is a global crisis that must be addressed by surrender of personal liberties for the greater good.

✏ Then they said this:

“COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility. A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world. There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility.”

What they just said is that people all over the world can be forced to obey ‘unimaginable restrictions’ of their rights and privacy if they are convinced there is a global crisis that demands it, because they see it as their individual responsibility to the planet.

One editorialist wrote, “The trifecta is government power combined with technology combined with brainwashing young people.”

Climate Change may well be the issue that will lead the nations of the world to surrender their sovereignty to a global government with the goal of saving the planet.

BTW: I should mention that I am not really talking about climate change, per se. I am not saying that it is real, or that it is manufactured. That’s why I’m not telling you about the just released study by a group of Italian scientists that concluded, “There’s a lack of scientific data to support the view that the world is currently experiencing a climate crisis.”

Centuries ago, the Bible predicted the Last Day’s global government. Using climate change, pandemics, and other disasters, real or imagined, the push towards globalism is on. It is exactly what we expected.

We are witnessing the stage-setting for the seven year Great Tribulation that is described in the last book of the Bible. We will not, however, be on Earth during that terrible Time of Jacob’s Trouble.

The resurrection and rapture of the church are imminent. It could happen any moment; nothing needs to happen before it.

Jesus will come, in the clouds, and raise the dead believers of the Church Age. He will transform the bodies of living believers to glorified, resurrection bodies. We will join Him in Heaven while the earth endures one final seven-year campaign of severe evangelism.

Are you ready for the rapture? If not, Get ready; Stay ready; Keep looking up.

Ready or not, Jesus is coming!