Prophecy Update #805 – The Pearly (Bill) Gates

We set aside a few minutes most Sunday mornings to identify connections between unfulfilled Bible prophecies and current news & events.

Turmoil in the Middle East on account of the nation of Israel is the most obvious sign that we are in the Last Days. Israel’s existence again as a nation is both a miracle and a fulfillment of many OT prophecies.

Other biblical signs include the push towards both global government & global commerce; the technology to utilize biometrics to buy & sell all goods & services; instantaneous global communication; an effort to alter our genetics in order to reproduce a hybrid, nonhuman race; a great falling away from faith in Jesus Christ; and the exponential growth in knowledge.

The seventeenth chapter of the Revelation presents an End Times, One-World religion. The false religion will dominate all the “peoples and multitudes and nations and tongues” of the earth (17:15), meaning that it will have universal authority, no doubt given by the Antichrist, who rules the world at that time.

The Roman Catholic Church has long been believed to be the fulfillment of the one-world religion. The description of the system does seem to have elements of Catholicism. More recently, Islam has been the favorite of prophecy teachers. Popular books seek to ‘prove’ that the Antichrist will be a Muslim.

Something is emerging that makes more sense. You should read the article titled, Bill Gates Declares Need For New World Religion Created from AI.


Gates has announced on Reid Hoffman’s podcast that a new religion should be created, centered around Artificial Intelligence. Gates told Hoffman on his Possible podcast, “The potential positive path (of AI) is so good that it will force us to rethink how should we use our time. You can almost call it a new religion a new philosophy of how do we stay connected with each other, and not be addicted to these things that will make video games look like nothing in terms of the attractiveness of spending time on them.”    

Gates, who claims to be a Roman Catholic, seemed to claim that humankind’s technological advances will create a God-like problem solving ability. He told Hoffman, “It’s fascinating that issues of disease, and enough food, and of climate – if things go well – those will largely become solved problems.”

It appears that Gates believes Artificial Intelligence can create a better god – and solve more problems -than the one currently worshipped by Christians.[1]

As always, we are not insisting that the one-world religion will be some form of AI. We are simply pointing-out how easy it would be for AI to be the fulfillment. It makes total sense.

Jesus promised to resurrect & rapture His Church prior to His Second Coming, and before the time of Great Tribulation would come upon the whole Earth.

The resurrection and rapture of the church is presented as an imminent event. It could happen anytime. Right now, for example.

Are you ready for the rapture? If not, get ready, stay ready, and keep looking up

Ready or not Jesus is coming! 
