Prophecy Update #808 – Debunking De-Banking

We set aside a few minutes most Sunday mornings to identify connections between unfulfilled Bible prophecies and current news & events.

We take a literal, grammatical-historical approach to Scripture. This means interpreting the Bible in its plain, normal sense while considering its grammar and historical context. We emphasize the distinct roles of Israel and the Church throughout history. We believe God works through different dispensations, or periods, each with unique covenants and expectations for humanity. Prophetic passages are often understood with a strong focus on Israel’s future restoration and the literal return of Jesus Christ.

There are hundreds of prophecies that are unfulfilled. From chapter four forward, all of the Book of the Revelation is future, except for the few closing exhortations in chapter twenty-two.

It makes sense that God would be setting the stage for the coming Great Tribulation & the Second Coming of Jesus to establish the physical Kingdom on Earth He unconditionally promised to the Jews.

China’s social credit system is a nationwide program designed to monitor and influence individual and organizational behavior. It assigns scores based on activities like financial reliability, legal compliance, and even social behaviors. Rewards include better access to services, while penalties range from restricted travel to public blacklisting.

I came across a posting on titled, A Chinese-style social credit system is coming to America.


In America, a peculiar phenomenon dubbed “de-banking” is beginning to occur with increasing visibility. “De-banking” is what it sounds like. A bank will, for legal, liability, or reputational risk, terminate – with notice – an individual account. Normally, this does not grab our attention. Criminal organizations and terrorists, we all agree, should be frozen out. Recently over a dozen Republican attorneys general wrote a letter to Brian T. Moynihan, the Chairman of the Board and CEO of Bank of America (BOA) noting that the institution “appears to be conditioning access to its services on customers having the bank’s preferred religious or political views.” In a seven-page memo, the attorneys generals outline BOA’s partnership with the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the US Treasury to “profile conservative and religious Americans as potential domestic terrorists.”[1]

You get the idea. BofA can control your money, or they want to. They are already profiling us, and that is the are a a of social credit.

This stands-out in the news because we have all heard something about what the Bible calls “the Mark of the Beast.” It seems as though the Mark will utilize some sort of biometric identification for everyone on the planet. The government of the antichrist will use that to force everyone to recognize him as God.

Anyone who doesn’t will have a social credit score of ‘Zero.’ They will not be allowed to buy or sell anything, or transact any business at all. And a system will be in place to murder them!

It is what was prophesied in the Bible more than 2000 years ago.

Jesus promised to resurrect & rapture His Church prior to His Second Coming, and before the time of Great Tribulation would come upon the whole Earth.

We will not see the revealing of the Antichrist.

The resurrection and rapture of the church is presented as an imminent event. It could happen anytime. Right now, for example.

Are you ready for the rapture? If not, get ready, stay ready, and keep looking up.

Ready or not Jesus is coming! 
